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Jamisha POV...

Goodbyes were always hard like stones that will leave ugly marks on you. Be it short-term or long-term or either it to you or with your enemy, friends, or family. We spent our whole life with them, fighting, loving, or making compliments. But like always when the time to say goodbye came, It hurts. It's hurt, every fucking single time, it's hurt. And finally, the time to say goodbye to our pretty handsome savior. I need to move fast and gather my force for the upcoming war, which will be disastrous, and now I can't waste my precious time here roaming aimlessly with him.

The morning comes with the warm breath fanning on my crook and with the warm embrace holding me tightly. Our tangled bodies were covered with my thin veil and his arms holding me tightly. His face was just a few inches away from me, and the silent surrounding of the hut filled with his slight snores. The long rough hair fell on his face, making my fingers itch to remove them, and they did what they wanted. My fingers gently removed his hair and carefully noticed his feature.

His wide forehead shows luck and prosperity for his future. The long lashes fell on his cheeks, and thick brows gave compliments to his straight nose standing proudly enhancing the beauty. The beard seems to grow more in recent days and looks quite sexy.

Words like handsome, attractive, good-looking, striking, clean-cut, etc... etc.... these words or any other words are not enough to describe him. He is something like celestial, walking on this earth with serenity. His serenity was enough to hypnotize your sanity.

I moved my face closer to him. His plum dry lips were just an inch away from mine, and all I wanted to cherish them mercilessly but had to restrain myself.

"I, wish, I could tell you what your presence means to me. I will never be able to forget you and will cherish every moment we spent together, but this needs to be ended now because nothing means to happen. I hope we will never collide again in this lifetime" I whispered with a cracked voice.

"If I will be a normal human being then I'm sure I will fall for you without any thought, and we will have the epic love story best love story, but density already played its cards, and I am bound to follow them," I wished silently in my mind.

I slowly silently with many difficulties untangled myself from him without disturbing his sleep and got on my feet and covered myself from my veil. I tiptoed toward the door and was about to open it. When my eyes caught the group of villagers walking toward our hut in aggression having sticks in their hands. Furthermore, I cursed my fate for this uncalled problem. These villagers were angry, and it would be more dangerous if they found out that an unmarried couple spent a night alone in this hut.

"But you were not a couple". My subconsciousness mocked

They will be going to burn this place down in their anger. Need to move fast. I quickly turn around and run toward him, and shake him harshly to wake him up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me for a good two seconds before closing them again and turning around in another direction. I looked at him with my jaw dropped in shock and pinched him hard in his arm. He jumped and sat up with wide-open eyes glaring at me.

"Wake up sleepyhead and look outside we have an emergency", I yelled at him in return, all I get in confused look and a yawn from him.

"Stop screaming and tell me what happened?", he mumbled huskily.

But before I can open my mouth, a voice comes from outside, making both of us go wide.

"COME OUT, WHOEVER IS INSIDE", an old voice yelled from outside, repeating with many other screams and whispers.

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