When you speak in another language

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📚[Dr. Jose Rizal]
- He would be surprise, and asked when did you learn that language. Even though he learnt 22 languages, he still don't know whats the other languages. So you taught him. You taught him the old greek language.

🗡[Andres Bonifacio]
- He only knows two languages. Tagalog and Spanish. When you were speaking in another language, he was quite surprised when he learned that you speak in a different language. You taught him Korean.

🗡[Emilio Aguinaldo]
- He was very much surprised, that you speak English in front of the English Generals, such as MacArthur and Ortiz. Of course being generous, you translated for everyone that doesn't speak or understand, english or Tagalog. You also taught him from time to time to speak english.

🌙[Gen. Antonio Luna]
- He only knew, because he and his group was trying to get the train. The trio was bewildered and asked when did you learned it. You taught them English, and they were thankful for it.

📌[Col. Francisco Roman]
- Well, he understands English but not communicating in english, so you taught him how to communicate in that language and grammar.

⚙️[Cap. Eduardo Rusca]
- He didn't know you spoke in a another language, he only found out when you spoke to you're father who is from Europe and was born in Italy. You taught him to say things in Italian such as 'good morning' 'goodbye' and 'thank you'.

❣️[Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar]
- He would be very surprised, and asked you to teach him at first he didn't get it straight away, but he got for a few weeks. You gave him some pointers on grammar and talking in sentences in german.

❣️[Col. Julian Del Pilar]
- He would be asking you, when did you learn that. You taught him slowly in Russian, like Goyo he didn't get it the first few weeks. But after a few weeks he got the gist of it. And from time to time he would flirt in Russian towards you.

🖇[Col. Vicente Enriquez]
- He would ask you to teach him, and you did. You taught him first the basics in Romanian, after a while like a few weeks. He got the gist of it, and sometimes you both communicate in Romanian.

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