When you're gone

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Disclaimer: angst

📚[Dr. Jose Rizal]
- He's sitting in you're guy's bedroom, holding you're your shawl. Hugging it, with tears rolling down his eyes. Wondering when would you come back to embrace him. But, no those thoughts were pushed aside, he knew he couldn't bring you back. He visited you're grave every day, even talking to it. Just why did you take the consequences.

🗡[Andres Bonifacio]
- He was devastated on finding out the news from one of his soldiers that his lover passed from a would to the side of the stomach. Of course, he rushed to the tent where you previously were, he found a white sheet of blanket covering your entire body. He slowly went to your dead body in white sheets, he slowly removed the part in the sheet in the head part. He breathed deeply, there you are sleeping peacefully. He caressed (y/n) face, tears running down his face.

🗡[Emilio Aguinaldo]
- He was in his office, already playing the part that he played in the assassination. But he didn't expect the consequence to lose someone close to him. When Capt. Janolino and Pedro Paterno were there on the scene. They also shot a woman, when one of the soldiers recognized her, as Señor Presidente's lover. They reported about the success in the assassination, Emilio nodded his head. When they told him that you were dead, he said to them are you joking. But when he saw their faces, he knew they weren't joking. The three of you (y/n), Luna, and Roman were buried next the day, right next to each other. He cried so much, he hugged your shawl every night.

🌙[Gen. Antonio Luna]
- It wasn't easy for him to try not to cry, he was completely devastated. When General Mascardo was in their camp, he was confused about why he was here. All soldiers were looking at both the generals. When mascardo said that she isn't here anymore, she's dead luna. Mascardo's eyes were bloodshot from crying, luna's heart broke when he heard. He silently hugged who he hated before, but it was changed to you, to see the other side of your brother. Luna was shedding tears. He loved you.

📌[Col. Francisco Roman]
- He was a bit motionless, he doesn't get up early anymore from your guy's bed. He'll just feel so empty, without you next to him. Empty without your laugh, empty without you by his side, empty without you holding him, embracing him. Empty without someone sleeping right next to him. His friends and the general went to check on him, every day... It was your last wish to his friends if you were ever gone in this unfair world.

⚙️[Cap. Eduardo Rusca]
- He slept restlessly, barely ate anything, his smile gone. Because you're gone. He lost someone who he loved and now he lost himself in sorrow and regret. He talked about it with his friend Roman, he comforted him, and every day everyone who he was friends with him. Visited every day, checking if he was eating, bathing, hygienic. Anything to get him back to his jolly side.
But it was never enough.

❣️[Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar]
- He was deeply saddened by your death. Whenever he passed by your residence, he would feel regret and sadness. Every night he would read you're letters, every night he would have the nightmare. He became restless, closed everyone, even his brother. He reread all of the letters you both exchanged, crying that you can't be here anymore.

❣️[Col. Julian Del Pilar]
- He felt lonely, and sorrowful that you're not next to him anymore, giving him hugs, kisses, and cuddles. He held your shawl and letters, rereading the letters, embracing your shawl whenever he's asleep, tears would be in his eyes. Every night he sleeps.

🖇[Col. Vicente Enriquez]
- He always looked towards the sky, every day not forgetting you. He felt absolute sadness, sometimes he would have some tears rolling down. Reading every letter you wrote. Wishing that you're not gone.

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