𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆

Start from the beginning

We've been trained with the four elements and with the only goal of surviving.
That was our main priority.

Today, I was on call for twelve hours and I had had three guardians already fixed by my own hands that left this place looking better than ever.
Vera, my coworker and best friend, had four and one of them arrived here without a heartbeat.

She brought him back to life.

Some of the guardians, when they learn that we have more element skills than them, that we mastered every element just like our mother one, tend to ask us to go on the field, to use our elements to fight.

But that isn't how it works.
Our destiny is to heal, to help, to protect our own.
Not to attack.

That's why I've always been safe.
I see death, I avoid it, and I prevent it.

But me? It'll never reach me.
At least not on the field.

There had been an attack just this morning, and we were expecting more and more guardians to show up. We needed to be awake, energized and with our powers at their best.
I took my job seriously, and I was not letting anyone die in my watch.

Vera tapped on my shoulder, making me turn rapidly to the people entering the clinic.
We've barely finished with the last one and they were already sending more in.

But that was it, we need to be quick and precise. We just couldn't let anyone die.
And that was a requirement from our boss.

She made the calls, we followed.

Both man that were entering our healing room were severally injured, almost crawling while helping each other walk.
Blood was all over their bodies and they looked pale.

Good thing about guardians, they had more strength and pain tolerance than anyone else.

Vera helped one of them into one of the beds on her examination room, closing a curtain, and I took the other to the adjacent room.
The guy was almost drowning in blood, and he had a huge cut on the upper part of his torso.

"I'll help you. Just stay as still as you can." - I said, helping him lay down and giving him my best comforting smile.

I moved quickly to grab a bucket of water and kept it by my side.

"I'll freeze part of your torso, so it'll numb your pain and you won't feel a thing of what I'm doing."

"Okay." - He coughed blood.

"It'll also stop the bleeding."

"Just do it."

"Stop talking." - I said, ripping his shirt open with both my hands and getting to work.

With a move of my hands, the water spiraled out of my bucket and separated in individual drops, falling softly on the patient's skin. The drops froze altogether right above the wound.

The blood froze too, earning me some time before I could find the source of it.

With another move of my hands, I splashed tiny drops of water all over his face, cleaning it and helping him to stop coughing.
Once the blood flooding from his mouth stopped, I could finally hear him breathing normally.

I nodded to myself.
It was under control.

"Now that the bleeding is contained. I need to fill in some data, before I can actually assist you and heal you."

"Yeah sure." - He hissed.


"Harry Styles."

"Guardian of which commission?"

Beauty In a Cage [L.S] - Short Story.Where stories live. Discover now