TATMR Beginning

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[TATMR Title from Film]

Mr Conductor:{voice only, black screen} Hello, I'm Mr Conductor, and I'm going to tell you a story about trains, folks far apart and the magic railroad that brought them together.

[Thomas exits Hackenback tunnel, whistling]

Mr Conductor: Every place, like a railroad has its heroes.

[Thomas steams through the countryside]

Mr Conductor: Meet Thomas, he's our number 1 hero.

Thomas:(Happy) *whistles* Hello {as Thomas passes by}

Mr Conductor: This is the Isle of Sodor {Thomas with his coaches cross the watermill} where Thomas and his friends live, it's at one end of my own universe.

[Tidmouth Harbour]

Edward:(Happy) {arriving with a passenger train} Morning Henry.

Henry:(Pleased) {departing with a goods} Morning Edward, Hi James.

James:(Annoyed) {shunting} Hi Henry, Duck, shunt my train please.

Duck:(Content) {stops abruptly while shunting} Sorry James but I have shunt my... {realising his trucks are running away from him} (Annoyed) Oi get back here.

[The Caledonian Twins double-heading a goods]*whistle*

Mr Conductor: I like helping out here [Thomas and Bertie racing] with the permission of The Fat Controller of course.

[Gordon waiting for Thomas at Elsbridge]

Gordon:(Inpatient) Five, six, seven, eight...

{Thomas arrives}

Thomas:(Cheeky) Who do we appreciate, practicing your numbers Gordon, that's a good engine.

Gordon:(Annoyed) I was counting how many minutes late you were, I had just gotten up to my second. (Grumpy) What does that sign say?

Thomas:(Content) Hmm... North Western Railway, Really Reliable and Right On Time.

Gordon:(Grumpy) Humf.

Thomas:(Content) Signed Head Of The Railway, The Fat Controller.

Gordon:(Grumpy) But you weren't on time little Thomas.

Thomas:(Cheeky) But it also says, Sorry For Delays During Repairs, We Are Making This A Better Railway and your being bossy Gordon.

Gordon:(Grumpy) Pah.

Thomas:(Content) If you excuse me I have to collect Mr Conductor shortly, he's looking after us while The Fat Controller takes a much needed holiday.

Gordon:(Grumpy) We can just easily take care of ourselves, after all we've been through...

Diesel 10:(Menacing) {Rushes Past} Get out of my way, I have unfinished business here and I want to finish it fast!

Gordon:(Shocked) I-It's t-that Diesel 10! He's h-here.

Thomas:(Concerned) Yes. 10 out of 10 for devious deeds and brutal strength, the very engine that stopped many others from escaping here.

Gordon:(Concerned) Well maybe we do need Mr Conductor here after all, on time I may add.

Thomas:(Annoyed) *sighs dramatically*

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