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The vampire castle lord rushed out of the room, suspended in mid-air, the gold-studded cloak fluttered in the air, and the long white hair was automatic without wind.

Second grade, but handsome.

Cao Qingjun was stunned, his mouth half-opened unconsciously.

He spent the night in the castle master's room before, but the castle master perfectly followed his boss's style. The whole person stood in the shadow of the room and gave orders, and he never saw what it looked like.

Now, the beauty of this prosperous age is in front of him, and Cao Qingjun can't take his eyes away.

However, as expected, good-looking people should be with good-looking people. Jing Huan and the castle master are a perfect match!

"Look at it again and I'll gouge your eyes out." The cool voice sounded, causing Cao Qingjun to be so frightened that he immediately moved his eyes to the wall next to him.

"Protect my lover for me, if he is damaged a little, I will kill you all." The threat made several players present tremble, and collectively looked at Jing Huan who was unconscious.

Cao Qingjun quickly got up to protect the unconscious person, and the other players also acted immediately, unanimously aiming their weapons at the surrounding castle servants.

After Ying Mutian made sure that Cao Qingjun didn't have the guts to do anything to Jing Huan, he looked at and roared and slipped his skin off the wall.

The little boss in this dungeon is not weak, and will not die after being attacked by himself, and he has other companions... There are noises

from the stairwell and the windows next to it, and the enemies guarding all over the castle and chasing NPCs are heading towards Hurry here. Previously, they had to chase the fleeing NPCs due to the dungeon rules, but now that there is a big leak in the castle, the rules will change, and they are no longer required to chase and capture NPCs to maintain the normal operation of the dungeon.

Now, no one will take care of the group of NPCs that have no value, the chasing soldiers have returned, and the melee has officially started.

In addition to the two bosses that Jing Huan had already sent out, there were six, two of which were friendly, and four were more threats.

Apart from the purple mask in front of him, the other three quickly rushed over. The three of them didn't have any nonsense. As soon as they appeared, the strongest power of the characters erupted, and their bodies were twisted and deformed, revealing their hideous bodies.

A huge head walking on blood vessels, a half-skinned sheep, a woman with a split face and a tongue sticking out, the hot eyes instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

Cao Qingjun was taken aback: "Why is my mother here! What should I do!? There seems to be a way to deal with them before, right? What's going on???"

Another male player shouted: "No way. Ah! Those props were held by other people! We came to look for you, so we went into battle lightly!"

"Fuck! What should I do... Why did I have two more!? Wait, those two are fighting with my own people! "

The castle lord is here too! Is he protecting us!?"

"No... I think he is just protecting the unconscious one, we are just incidentally..."

----------- -It

's hot, it's so hot, it's like being dipped in magma.

Jing Huan was breathing heavily, and finally woke up from the coma. As soon as he tried to open his eyes, the sweat on his face flowed into his eyes, causing a stinging pain. "Hey? Wake up? Hurry

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