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The gunshots rang through the forest, and a flock of birds like black mist flew up in fright, followed by the barking of dogs.

"What's the matter? Was that the gun fired by the hunter?" Ru Guihua was startled, got up and crossed the reef to stare at the movement on the mountain.

Jing Huan also stared at the mountain in front of him, and the cat ears above his head, which were actually useless, also stood up alertly.

The barking of the dog was going down the hill, chasing something.

Jing Huan suddenly said to Ru Guihua, "Come here and do me a favor."

He wore a mask and walked to the junction of the woods and the beach, first picking up a branch and stroking the surrounding grass to drive away some animals.

Ying Mutian came up and asked, "Is Huanhuan kind enough to help me, a person without a mask, to make sure it's safe? That's great."

Jing Huan threw the stick and looked at Ru Guihua: "It's safe for now, find two sturdy woods. Use a stick as a weapon, the stronger it is, the better. Then find some very long sticks, preferably vines."

Ru Guihua knew roughly what he wanted to do, nodded and ran to the forest to start looking for branches.

Ying Mutian also turned around immediately. It was only ten seconds before he pulled two or three vines that were more than three meters long, and held them up in front of Jing Huan.

The more Jing Huan looked at him, the more he looked like a large dog. He didn't know where he got a stick and rope, and he would come proudly to ask for credit. The sense of sight is too strong, and there is even an illusion that this person will be stuck between two trees if he takes a long stick, just like in those cute pet videos on the Internet.

No, what a mess.

Jing Huan drove the strange image out of his mind, and took the vine in Ying Mutian's hand and tugged it. It was very sturdy and perfect for Yin people.

Ru Guihua had already picked up a few sticks, and Jing Huan had picked three sticks that were long enough and thick enough, one for each person.

The movement on the mountain was getting closer and closer, Jing Huan turned his head and said to the two of them: "Wait a minute, one person will be holding this vine at the same time. If the player is at the forefront, let it go. If there is only a hunting dog behind, it will trip the dog. If there are still people, ignore the dog and trip over the person. After you fall down, immediately grab a stick and rush up to knock your head, understand?"

"Knock... directly knock on the head?" Ru Guihua relaxed for a while, but after a while It was so exciting to come up, and I was sweating a little nervously.

Jing Huan lowered his voice and said without emotion: "Well, it doesn't matter if you use your maximum strength, it doesn't matter if your brain is out."

Ru Guihua: "..."

Alright, so cruel! But it is true that if it is an enemy, you can't kill yourself, and it may be yourself.

Jing Huan hid behind the tree on both sides, listened to the sound to determine where he might come down, then hid on both sides of a neutral space, holding relaxed vines and waiting.

The sound of escaping was getting closer and closer, accompanied by a few roars of collapse.

"Damn it! I'm going to catch up!"

"Wait for me, wait for me!" There

was more than one person...

Seeing that two people staggered down the hillside, Jing Huan stretched out a hand, He waved lightly behind the tree.

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