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Some of the players were out of danger and searched the castle normally, and good news soon came. Someone found a tooth in the soil beneath a rubbish heap in the castle.

But this action was discovered, and the player holding the teeth was chased and intercepted by seeing through his identity. Fortunately, Jing Huan responded in time to avoid death.

Jing Huan's side was quite smooth, and he survived two nights. One night is picked up by friendly people and passed safely, the other night is easy for opponents to deal with.

It is a guest wearing a green mask, and the character setting is to ask the player questions, and if he responds, his neck will be twisted immediately.

If you don't know his weaknesses, you may be "killed at first sight", but knowing his weaknesses is much easier to deal with, let alone Jing Huan.

He stood gracefully the whole time, talking to Ying Mutian in his mind, completely ignoring the enemy.

The green-masked guest finally cried out in anger, but he still failed to get a look from Jing Huan.

When it was dawn, Jing Huan calmly turned and left the room, leaving the green mask with a handsome back all the way back to Ying Mutian's room to rest.

Ying Mutian hugged him and kissed several times, and then kicked the tooth that was turned out from the garbage dump with some disgust: "Find a tooth and I can release a part of my power, and now I can break through this room for a short time. I've moved outside, so I don't have to sit here and wait...Huanhuan, I'm worried and anxious, and my hair is even whiter."

Jing Huan wrapped his fingers around a small circle of long white hair on his hand. Said: "Can you finish a sentence now? Besides, as long as I go out, the sound of your excited screams is all in my head, and I can't see any worry."

Ying Mutianzuo held his chest and cried. : "It's all because I don't want you to see that I'm worried. At this moment, silence is better than sound."

Jing Huan pushed away the head that he usually leans over and began to look around: "Where's Mengmeng? Where did you go? "

The smile on Ying Mutian's face froze, and his eyes began to feel guilty.

Jing Huan raised his brows: "Ha, I didn't feed the baby properly and put the baby to sleep, right?"

Ying Mutian said frustratedly: "Huan Huan, you are so smart."

This kind of cleverness is good for the enemy, but also for himself. It was uncomfortable.

Jing Huan ignored him, walked to the bed, and dug out a cute baby from the soft quilt on the bed. It looks like a normal little baby, except that the ends of his limbs are wrapped in a little black mist, which is a bit illusory. The lips are red and the teeth are white, and the little face is as tender as tofu, which is really cute.

Jing Huan's eyes lit up, and Xiao Mengmeng also woke up from sleep, and the moment she saw her father, her eyes lit up.

"Ow!" She cried out in a milky voice and threw herself into Jing Huan's arms.

Jing Huan kissed her on the cheek and said very gently: "Mengmeng, you have grown up again. Our little Mengmeng is so cute, she is the cutest baby in the world."

"Ang! What!" Little Mengmeng giggles, so cute that most people can't help but feel their motherly glow, but the bloody red pupils and the small fangs exposed when they grin can also make people feel cold.

Ying Mutian watched the interaction between the father and daughter, happy, sour and worried. I'm glad that it's his daughter there. I'm extremely happy to be so cute when she grows up, but Mengmeng still has a quarrel with him, don't say hug at this time, she will be bitten even if she touches it.

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