Liam came to a stop "Scott? You hear that?"

"I heard that" lydia spoke quietly

"Lydia, save your voice." Scott said, he was focused on something else

Liam glanced down at his feet, the sound of electric beads was heard in the distance. "get out of the water!" He yelled, pushing Lydia away from the water, alex jumped to the side just as the water was spiked.

Electricity ran through both wolves, they collapsed into the water.

Theo approached the banshee and the chimera, Alex glared at him "touch her and I'll kill you"

"Please, we both know Valack took any power you had with him" Theo smirked,

Alex felt Lydia's hand against her, she squeezed it once "let him" she whispered, only loud enough that alex would hear

Alex wasn't sure what Lydia was doing, but the second alex was distracted Theo struck, she felt the impact of his claws against her skin, Alex held her wounded face.

Theo grabbed the banshee, he pushed her down the trap. Scott grabbed her hand before she could fall.

Theo grabbed Scott, digging his venom laced claws into the back of the alphas neck,"Feel that, Scott. Kanima venom. Just let it happen. Let it go. Let everything go."

Alex jumped in, she grabbed Lydia's wrist. Alex gasped as she felt his claws in her skin "I think I might take your power"

alex winced quietly, mouthing the words I'll find you.

Lydia nodded, trusting that alex would follow her minutes later. She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath

Alex let go of her best friends wrist, Lydia yelped out as she fell i or the darkness

Alex quickly turned on her back, "did you forget something Theo.. I'm a successful chimera, you can't take my power"

Alex lifted her knee, Theo grunted upon impact
"all the power in the world, and you still can't handled a knee to the Crotch"

Alex stood up, she hovered over the coward, she grabbed his wrist before he could do anything "you are nothing but a scared little boy who craves a power he can't handle"

Alex blinked, her eyes now glowing as if she was in a trance "You feel that Theo? your heart being ripped from your chest. The cold water that freezes your bones. Do you feel it? What your sister felt in her last moments as she called out for her big brother."

Theo gasped, feeling like his heart had been ripped from his chest. He knew it wasn't real but his Brain couldn't differentiate.

Alex looked down at her wrist, she noticed her veins run black. She looked to the alpha,

"Alex your eyes" Scott mentioned

"They're purple" Liam finished

"Feel it" Alex almost growled, "feel her pain you heartless monster! Feel the pain I felt every day. Tell me she's alive now you fucker"

"Alex!" Scott yelled,

Alex looked to him, finally releasing Theo of the pain; she felt her veins cool.

"Alex, find Lydia"

Alex nodded, she looked down at Theo. Taking one last swing.

"That was for Allison you dick"

Alex sat next to the crate, dangling into the darkness. Closing her eyes she let her body fall.

"Shit" alex grunted, the impact was definitely going to leave a bruise

𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now