Chapter 2

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It was around two o'clock when I woke up. My sister cuddled up to me sound asleep.

I could slightly here the wind blowing outside and someone talking in a room nearby me.

I sat up and got out of bed, being careful not to wake Emily. I went to my suite case and took out my head phones and my iPod. I then took out a book and  a pencil.

Turing my music on I sat at the desk in the room. With the moon as my light I started to draw my mother from memory.

Her fair skin, her black hair and her blue eyes that match mine. I always looked like mom, mom always bragged about it to James to.

Emily looked more like James, with his tan skin, black hair and brown eyes. We don't look alike the only thing the same about all of us is our black hair.

I snapped back to reality when my pencil broke. I look down to see my mother with a blank stare. As she was at her funeral a few weeks ago.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to see my sister half asleep and staring at me.

"What are you doing awake Em?" I asked her, she made grabby hands at me and I picked her up.

"Come on I will come back to bed with you." I brought her to bed, not bothering to put my things away.

Laying down I started playing with her hair to put her to sleep. I started to fall asleep to around an hour later.

Time Skip 7 o'clock

I woke up to someone poking my shoulder. It was Mr. Mathew, I turn around and shake my sister awake. She opens her eyes and sits up with me.

"Good morning. Breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes, so get ready." He said smiling, I nodded and he walked out.

I stood up, picked my sister up and placed her on the ground.

"Do you want me to help you get ready?" I asked, she shook her head and went to the bathroom.

I got dressed and waited for her to get out, so that I can brush my teeth and my hair.

She walks out with the brush stuck in her messy hair, with a cute frown on her face.

"Need help?" I asked with a encouraging smile, she nodded and turned around for me.

I got the brush out and brushed her hair until there was no nots. I then did a quick braid and told her to go sit on the bed and wait for me.

When I was done I held her hand and got down on my knees.

"If you are uncomfortable or if something happens, I need you to get my attention ok? I know you don't like a lot of people around you, so stay close to me and I will keep you safe, alright?" I asked her with a stern look.

The last thing she needs right now is to have a anxiety attack due to overstimulation. The last time she had an anxiety attack was at the funeral and it didn't go to well.

"Ok we got this." I say nervously.

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