Chapter 1

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I watch the scenery pass by out of the car window, not having seen a house in miles and trees are the only thing in sight. The reality is that we've been sent away, we as in my little sister 'Em' and me 'Christian'.

In some people's mind they think of going away from abusive home as a good thing. Go to me and my little sister we're being taken away forcefully from the only thing we've ever known.

I hated to see the way my sister's face teared up when it was announced that we would be going away to a far away place for a long time.

They said she wasn't supposed to go, that I was only one supposed to go. But that didn't last long as my sister wouldn't let go of my hand as I tried to leave.

I look over and see my little sister leaning on me, with the same strong grip. You could clearly tell that she has been crying, from the little tear marks on her face, and her messy hair.

The way she reacted was as any normal child would. By screaming and crying. But she didn't really start doing that till we were alone. She doesn't like to show her feelings much, and she's really good at hiding them.

As I was looking at her her eyes started to blink open. And I saw her beautiful brown eyes. She looked about me and tried to smile. I tried to smile back at her and then I looked out the window.

Right as I did we pulled in to a caged in place. The sign on top of the door read 'Mr. Mathews Manor'. 

"This is it" the man driving the car said as the car pulled to a stop.

This is it. Our new house, far away from society and anyone that could help us.

I open the door, got out and then looked at my sister and picked her up and put her on my back. I thank the man giving him his money and took our luggage out of the car. We only brought one suitcase as that was all we had.

As the man left me and my sister looked at each other and gave each other a wary smile.

"Ready?" I asked to myself and to her. She looked at me an nodded.

I walked up to the house, that looks more like a mansion, and rang the doorbell. As I was waiting I took a deep breath and released it.

A young man that looked about the same age as me but a little older opened the door. He looked at me up and down smiled closed the door and ran away.

I was stunned, what just happened?

Before I could contemplate more the door reopens and now a grown man stood there smiling.

"Good evening my name is Matthew and I am the owner of this estate. May I help you?" He asked me I looked up at him and took a deep breath before speaking.

"My little sister and I were told to come here by our social worker." I stated with a tight smile.

"Oh you must be Christian! But I was only told that you would be coming, not your little sister?" He sad questionably, looking around probably at the car that just left.

"Sorry sir I was told that you were informed of our predicament. They said that you were fine with my sister coming. Although if she can't come I'll have to go with her." I stated seriously.

He looked comfortable but smiled and started speaking. "You and your sister are both welcome here, I was just a little confused."

He beckons us in and then shuts the door. I look around the house to see a big staircase and tons of pictures and decor around the walls. Where did this man get so much money? The mafia probably.

My thoughts were interrupted by him speaking again. "As it is getting pretty late, I will bring you to your room so you can rest, as you are probably tired. Tomorrow morning I will wake you up for breakfast, where you will be introduced to everyone and told the rules of this house." He stated seriously, then he beckoned me to follow him up the stairs and to two rows of doors.

"Your room is the second door on the left, I need to make arrangements for your sister to sleep." He said, my sister looked at me scared as she did not want to part with me yet. So I looked at the man and spoke.

"There is no need, me and my sister can share a room for the time being." I spoke with a smile on my face.

He smiled back and spoke. "As you wish, I will come wake you up in the morning to ready yourself for breakfast. Goodnight Christian and...?"

"Emily." I told him

He smiled and continued "and Emily".

I looked at him and also bid him good night. I then walked into the room and laid my sister down to rest. I took both of our shoes off and also laid down. This is it. Was the last thing I thought before shutting my eyes and going to bed.

How was the first chapter? Please comment any mistakes or anything you would like to see in the book! Or if you have any questions or recommendations for me. But besides that have a good day / night!

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