All of a sudden, Naysa felt her chest clench again and she stopped running, falling to her knees and clutching the cloth over her chest.

"Milady!" Aifemon shouted in worry and fear as she landed next to her partner, "What's the matter, are you all right?"

"Something's close by. Something off." Naysa said, the pain slowly beginning to fade away. She took out her digivice and opened up the map of the area she was in, hoping to see that one of her data markers was activating. Thankfully one was, and it was really close by near the park. There was also Guilmon's data signature there as well, which further made her concerned.

Aifemon and Naysa jumped across the buildings yet again and saw both Guilmon and Takato standing by a closed off area of the park near the sidewalk. Guilmon was fading in and out of visibility until he had completely disappeared, leaving Takato on the ground crying.

Naysa didn't hesitate to jump down in front of Takato, her eyes settling on the tears he was crying over the loss of his digimon partner.

"Digi-Mage..." Takato cried and looked down in his sadness, "He's gone. Guilmon just disappeared. It's like he was never here in the first place."

"No, that can't be right." Naysa said, "A digimon, especially not a tamed one, doesn't just disappear like that without something causing it. Let me see your digivice."

Takato was confused but handed over his digivice to the masked girl. She pressed a button and then grabbed her own digivice, placing it next to Takato's. Immediately, Takato's digivice beeped loudly and a compass appeared on the screen.

"I got it." Naysa said happily.

"Where is he, Milady?" Aifemon asked.

She looked over at the restricted area, which would be the underground tunnels where all the water drains into after it had rained in the city. 

"Takato, go get Henry and Rika, now." Naysa said handing him back his digivice.

"Wait, what are you gonna do?" Takato asked.

"I'm gonna go check out these tunnels and see if I can find Guilmon in there. I'll have Aifemon stay out here and wait for you guys to get back. Once you've come back, just rush down the tunnel and find me. Got it?"

Takato nodded and ran to get Henry and Rika. After he had disappeared from sight, Naysa sighed and looked over at her digimon partner, who had jumped onto the stone walls just a moment after Takato ran off.

"Are you sure you'll be all right all by yourself?" Aifemon asked. Naysa smiled and scratched Aifemon on her head.

"Don't you worry about me, Ai. I'm a Digi-Mage, and because I'm human, I won't be affected by whatever's happening." Naysa said and then jumped over the fence to get into the tunnels.

She opened the door leading into the tunnels and immediately felt a cold chill, and it wasn't because of the leftover freezing water left by the last rainstorm. Naysa felt her chest clench once again, the feeling getting tighter and tighter the further into the tunnels she went. But she continued on and walked down the orange lit tunnels to find Guilmon and whatever was causing the digimon to fade in and out like that.

She walked around for about thirty minutes, finding nothing out of the ordinary, until she heard voices behind her.

"How long does this tunnel go?"

"My teacher says that it goes all the way to the next town."

"That's so stupid."

Naysa smiled and turned around to see Rika, Takato and Henry down the tunnels.

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