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Mika shouts "I swear if our moments get interrupted again I will make the deities of this world catch these hands!"

Kaia just says "Don't do that, but I need you to wait right there." So Mika waits and sees Kaia has something behind her back. Before Mika could even take a glance or a guess, Kaia gets down on one knee and holds a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and says the following "When I told you I fell in love with you immediately, I really meant it, no matter what way you put it, you still dealt with my whole entire attitude that would annoy people, you still defended me in the end, you aren't a monster in any sense, and you never were, you are my love, a hero, my everything. But I know we haven't known each other for too long so don't take the bouquet as a proposal to get married immediately, take it as a sign that I want to be at your side forever, no matter what."

All this left Mika in a state of pure joy and tears, of course those tears were tears of joy and she responds "I guess with a speech like that, it's not an offer I will refuse ever, to be honest I was stubborn to it, but you felt different every single time I talked to you or you talked to me.

Thank you Kaia, for accepting me, loving me, and helping me realize I love you back, I would love to be by your side forever." After Mika and Kaia finished their words and separate speeches they hugged once again in an even tighter embrace.
After a good while they get lost in one another's eyes once again, but no longer in a state of gayralysis they slowly move forward as if they were going to kiss one another. Then finally, their lips connect, and both Kaia and Mika felt as if time had completely stopped, as if they could be in this one moment forever. After that short moment, that to them lasted a good long while, Mika starts with "I love you Kaia" then Kaia responds with "I love you too."

Love is Blooming 🖤💙🌹🌹🌷🥀Where stories live. Discover now