Starting off

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One day the Kratt brothers were exploring the minitureized world of the Central Americain rain forest canopy. Chris was a spider monkey with Martin on his shoulder holding on for dear life when they came across a cool looking bug. Chris stopped and let Martin off. At first Martin was just letting the dizziness ware off then he got to to exzaming the bug, mean while Chris was keeping an eye out for danger like harpy eagles with no longer then a tail length away. When Martin was done exzaming the bug he saw something down below on another branch, it was another cool bug. He thought since it wasn't that far away from Chris he would just go take a look and be right back. So without saying anything to Chris, Martin climbed down to the branch with the never before seen bug. As he was exzaming the bug, he heard Chris calling him. hoping that Chris would hear him, Martin called back, but Chris didn't hear him. So he climbed back up the trunk hoping Chris would hear him now, Martin called again. Chris did hear Martin but he didn't know where he was calling from.

CHRIS' p.o.v
"Martin, Martin where are you" I called.
I heard him again but I couldn't tell where he was calling from. I was about to try calling his creature pod but I remembered that Aviva was fixing it after our last adventure so I just kept climbed around trying to find him, then I saw something on the trunk of the tree below my branch. I couldn't tell what it was from here so I climbed down to where it was.

Martin's p.o.v
I was still climbing up the trunk of the tree calling Chris' name as I climbed, after some more climbing, I glanced at the branch Chris was on and noticed he was staring in my direction so I called his name as loud as I could and waving my one free arm. I saw him squint probably trying to get a better look then he started climbing down the trunk toward me. I stopped waving and held on to the bark of the tree

"Chris! I'm here"

I called out trying to get his attention. all the sudden something was blocking out the sun and I was in a shadow. I was worried that it was something that might eat me but I then looked and was relieved to see a haft smile haft worried expression face looking at me.

Third person p.o.v
Chris stood over Martin glad to see he was ok and then picked him up and put him back on his shoulder even though they were upside down and Martin was holding on to Chris' fur. Chris climbed back up the trunk and stood back on the branch.

Chris' p.o.v

"What were you doing" I asked Martin

"I was getting another bug for the life list" Martin responded

"cool what kind of bug is it." I asked excited

"it's called a spear head"(not a real bug just a made up bug, I think?) Martin said. Martin put his stuff back in his bag,(Martin style or really un organized) and climbed back onto my shoulder. Then we were off and swinging through the trees again.

(Hope u like this, fanfic of "Wild Kratts". this is my first ever fanfic so I hope u all like it) Toothy out🐸

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