Chapter 20: Outraged

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"What is that?" Mulch asked, confused as what Holly was talking about.

"That is Artemis' 'I'm unhappy and about to destroy the planet' music," Holly explained, sighing in the process. The elf tossed her helmet on a nearby chair before continuing over to her friend. His eyes were still closed tightly, and he hadn't noticed her presence. When Holly was directly in front of him she spoke again. "You doing okay, sweetie?"

Artemis' eyes flew open, more than likely enraged at being called 'sweetie.' He glared at Holly for a moment before saying, "There's ominous music playing, and I'm attempting to meditate. I don't know about where you're from, but where I'm from that means I'm not doing okay."

Holly frowned slightly. She was afraid of that. "I'll have Butler make you some tea."

"Tea is for when I'm upset," Artemis intervened. "I'm in the process of retrieving a friend of mine who has been kidnapped by a deranged megalomaniac bent on getting revenge on me for something that occurred years ago; I'm outraged."

Holly was so focused on figuring out what was wrong with Artemis she hadn't even noticed Mulch saunter over to them. "Is there a drink for being outraged?" he asked.

"Actually," Artemis started, shifting his legs so they were no longer crossed. "I would usually drink-"

"No!" Holly cut off. The last thing she wanted was to get Artemis going. When he was moody, it didn't take much to get him ranting about one thing or another. She surely didn't want to have a discussion about beverages right now.

"Very well," Artemis concluded, brushing some creases out of his shirt. He reached over for a remote control that was sitting a few feet away. After pressing a button, the ominous music turned off, allowing Holly to breathe a much needed sigh of relief. "I see you brought Mr. Diggums here as I requested."

"Yes, Artemis. As a matter of fact, I did," Holly answered sarcastically. "I hope he has a use that is worth all the trouble I was put through to get him here."

Artemis didn't say anything for several moments, something that was beginning to irritate Holly slightly. He was musing something over in his head, as if he hadn't made a final decision about something. "Actually, Mulch is our back up," he announced. "He'll stay nearby, but we probably won't need him if everything goes off without a hitch."

Holly rolled her eyes once again. "You have got to be kidding me Artemis. Nothing goes off without a hitch with you! Rescuing your father... getting the C Cube back the first time... the whole Limbo thing... that time you almost got killed by a gorilla... you dying and Foaly having to go through some convoluted process to bring you back! C'mon Artemis. Haven't you learned anything over the years?"

Artemis sighed. "I have learned quite a bit, actually. And I think one of the things that sticks out the clearest in my memory is that someone told me to do what was right. Right now, that's saving my friend from the clutches of Spiro, no matter the cost. Mulch shouldn't be needed, but I included him in the plans just in case something goes awry."

"Alright," Holly muttered. "Where are Juliet and Butler anyways?"

Artemis gestured at the cockpit. "They're getting things ready for departure. We'll be leaving in a matter of moments. I believe we were only waiting on your arrival. But then again, I could be mistaken." Artemis reached over to the ledge next to him, pressing a button, which Holly then discovered was an intercom button. "Butler... Holly and Mulch have arrived. Are we ready for departure?"

After a few seconds of silence, Butler's voice roared over the speakers. "Yes sir. Everything in place? The C Cubes in their case?"

Holly watched Artemis side glance at the brief case sitting next to him before pressing the intercom again. "Yes," he answered quietly.

Holly awaited Butler's response with anticipation. "Alright. We'll take off in a moment. Fasten your seat belts everyone."

Holly took that as her cue. The elf backed away from Artemis, and sat in one of the single seats in front of him. The elf strapped herself in, not even paying attention to what the other occupants were doing. Admittedly, Holly couldn't wait to get this trip over with. She wasn't sure how Artemis planned on getting her into the building, but she was hoping he had an idea for that too. She felt the plane start to move, something that she was so used to with shuttles it didn't faze her anymore. The elf glanced out her window, briefly watching them ascend past the clouds. As beautiful as it was, Holly really wasn't in the mood. She closed her eyes, hoping that maybe she would be able to catch a nap in the very brief flight from Flint to Chicago.

After only a few minutes, Holly knew that wasn't going to be possible. Her mind was too busy racing. She had too many thoughts drifting through her mind to even begin to fall asleep. She wanted to know so many things right now, the main thought being:

What had gotten into Artemis Fowl to make him act like this?

Holly's mind began coming up with reasons to explain her friend's random change in heart. He would've never risked so much for someone he had just met before. Why was Diana so important to him? Why was it that he was willing to get rid of one of his prized possessions to get her back home safe? Maybe he was suffering from his Atlantis Complex again. Holly quickly shook that idea away. If that were the case, she would be batting off compliments from Orion nonstop.

Perhaps he just valued her friendship? Holly somehow didn't think that one covered it all. Artemis valued Butler's friendship, and her own. There was something missing about this one.

Then an idea so absurd hit Holly she almost burst into laughter. What if he was in love? Artemis Fowl... in love. It wasn't possible. But it made more sense than friendship. Holly had seen Artemis interact with Diana; it was certainly nothing like when she had seen him interact with other girls, not even Minerva. He expressed fondness for her, even enjoyed her company. Holly had seen the coverage Foaly had sent her- the security tapes from the museum, mall, and restaurant. Holly had seen the way Artemis looked at her, the way he spoke of her. A ping of jealousy struck her for a moment, but it soon passed. She told herself years ago it would never work out, and she was right to think so. He was a human, and she was an elf. Not to mention the age difference between them. She did love Artemis, but she learned that it was more or less the love one had for a younger sibling. She glanced back at him, noticing the way he stared longingly out the window. She hadn't seen him look this stressed in a long time. Maybe that was it then.

Maybe Artemis Fowl was in love.

Kiss Me, I'm Irish {An Artemis Fowl Fan Fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora