He say and I roll my beautiful eyes before replying

Y/n= are you perhaps starving yourself or aunt is not giving you food. You are looking like a begger

I reply, and a smirk appear my face as I know I trigger this BITCH and he is about to speak but than

...ahmmm. ahmmm....

We broke the hug and look around us only to found our class is looking at us while give a weird expression while some are whistling and here come our teacher who is giving us dead glares while clenching her teeths

Teacher= miss Kim y/n what is this ,this is not a place to meet your boyfriend

As she say we both look at each other and laugh our ass out

Y/n= we know that we look good together mam but this street dog is not my boyfriend in fact he is my best friend forever

I say while laughing

Zen= yes mam,  this witch and me are friends since diapers.

Teacher = Okk back to your seats

She say in a cold voice I gulp and  go back to my seat and about  zen he sit on the right side of tia with a boy.

I am soo happy. Zen is back. My crime partner is back ,now the real game is going to begin..

Time skip.... Lunch time

It's lunch time me and tia are packing our thing when zen came

Zen = Hii anaconda

He say as I just ignore it and continue

Y/n= let's go. I will show you whole school and you know this school canteen food is super delicious

I say while licking my lips

Zen = Aishhhhh ... Well what's your name miss beautiful

Zen say while looking at tia

I guess this guy hormone's are again attacking him

Y/n= tia she is xing tia my friend

I say while crossing my hands
As zen give me a frustrated look

Zen= you know miss tia I love maths and I love to teach you also

He say and hold her hands

Zen= you know miss tia maths is super easy subject. Ummm I love to teach you maths on bedroom. Bedrooms are the perfect place. You know it's super easy : first we add bed, than we will subtract our cloths and than I will divide your beautiful legs and than I will multiply your hole with my d- ahhhhhhhhhhhh you witch.

He is flirting with tia ,and tia start blushing hard and we are getting late for lunch for which I tolerate 5 periods.. *I Am sorry * I thought and give him a beautiful side kick he fell down

Y/n= control you hormone's she is not your type. Let's go

With that I hold tia hand and start going towards canteen and zen follow us. In the whole lunch time he keep flirting with her.

Time pass away,  I am on my way to home in the complete day I did not see my brother. Nor in the home at morning neither in school .

I am missing my brothers today teasing them is become my habit.

We arrive home I went out of the car and went inside the mansion.

I went to my room change my clothes and start roaming around

I saw MISS HAN she is head maid so I went towards her and ask

Y/n= hello miss han

She stop working and look at me than bow and say

Miss han=  greetings miss , do you want something

She ask in a soft voice

Y/n= Hmmm yeah can you tell me were are my brothers

She nod and say

Miss han= miss y/n , masters are on gaming room which is near the pool area.

She say

Y/n= Okk thanks miss han

I say and went towards gaming room

I reach and my precious mouth kiss the floor, is this even a room no BITCH 5 to 6 families can live here peacefully without any disturbance.

There were many games but still I can't able to see my brothers to I went inside  I start observing than my eyes went towards my brothers.

Jimin, taehyung and jungkook are playing vedio  game  j-hope and jin are playing pool on huge wooden table while Namjoon is working on laptop and suga is playing basketball

I went towards them and

Y/n= Hello brothers

I say while smiling but they did not respond ,I guess they can't able to hear me so I again say

Y/n= hello brothers

And they did not respond again. So I went towards everyone personally and talk to them but they did not respond.  Keep doing there respective works. They are ignoring me.  I make a fist and run towards there rooms. I know I am not allowed to enter in but still I went in their rooms

I again come back and say

Y/n= so my dear brothers are going to ignore me Hmmm

They did not respond
I clench my jaw

And than something happen which make bts eyes widen

And they scream together


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