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“This person has the worst handwriting.”

Haron put down the documents that he was reading and frowned. He didn’t know who wrote this report, but the writing was awfully messy.

Whether the writer had edited this or sent it directly to him as it is, Haron was still pissed off to the point that he wanted to take disciplinary action against that person.

“Oh, I recognize this! This is the report that Hermila handled.”

“As expected.”

Hearing Kozen’s words next to him, Haron clicked his tongue.

These three knights, namely Lord Icus, Hermila, and Kozen, along with Haron, were knights with excellent skills that Duke Blake personally placed as commanders for the Devil subjugation.

Icus was a famous commander who made a name for himself several times in battle, and Kozen and Hermilla were new knights who were considered rising talents that appeared suddenly like comets.

However, during the subjugation of the Devil, they all fell into the Devil’s trap without even getting a chance to fight. They were all quite shocked by that.

They were pretty famous before this incident, but later, they became a joke right after what happened. It was Haron who accepted the three of them when they were almost thrown away by the Duke.

‘The letter will not come for a while.’

Haron suddenly paused his hand while signing the document and thought for a while.

‘Since I sent my reply yesterday, does that mean that I’ll have to wait for a reply for another month? Since all the letters come and go about once a month.’

‘…I should have written a little more.’

Ten sheets were not enough for Haron, since there was a lot that he wanted to say to her, and it was difficult for him to put them into words.

He turned to look at the small box lying near the desk drawer.

It was a box for collecting letters and invitations that came for him.

Even though he checked every day without missing a single morning, it was still piled up as if it was ready to explode.

Most of the time, it was about inviting him to attend a party, or flattering him needlessly by showering him with compliments. Occasionally, there were letters asking him where they could invest or donate.

Originally, the letters would have gone to the Duke rather than to him, but as rumors started to spread that the two of them had broken up, they began to be sent directly to the famous Haron.

Moreover, the Duke was being secretly ridiculed by people for his successive business and investment failures.


“Just call me by my name.”

“That’s not possible, Warrior.”

“Then I’d rather have you call me Master.”

“All right, Master.”

It was in Kozen’s character to be very honest. To put it bluntly, he was the only one who demanded honesty from his superiors, and had no intention of showing himself off with vain words.

So, while there were a lot of people who respected him, he also tended to make a lot of enemies as well.

Haron didn’t hate people like Kozen, whose character was very transparent, especially since he was such an honest person.

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