Chapter Six: To Forget

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Azuchin's POV

I can hear the birds singing, I can also feel the sunlight on my closed eyelids.

Seems like I am no more sleepy.

Gently, I open my eyes to an unfamiliar room. It's quite spacious, but looks old.

Where's Hana?

I want to go out that door, but this bed is too high for me. I think I'm very small for my age.

I'm two years old but my body is like that of a 9 months old baby. I don't skip my milk and meals too.

Anyway, though it's high, I think I can go down by throwing the pillows to the floor.


Hiya... Okay.

Now that I'm down, I can see that the bed is a few centimeters above my head.

I'm too small, haaah.

Next, I look at the door. It's too high. I can't reach the knob.


I'm hungry now.

Oh Hanaaaaa...... Where could you be at this time?

I touched the pendant that my brothers gave and positioned my self beside the door.

Using the pendant, I knocked.

This is better than crying. Crying will only make me hungrier, haaah.

*Knock knock knock*


No one seems to hear me, so I keep on knocking.

*Knock knock knock*

Hmmm!! This time, I put all the strength I have left to knock.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

Then, I heard a sound of something crashing from outside the door and hurried footsteps.

Finally, you're here.

The door suddenly opened inward. Good thing I'm sitting on the side.

"Princess! I mean, Aphilla! I'm sorry, dear."

"I'm hungry, Hana."

"Yes, yes. I made you rice porridge and milk."

Hana carried me to the window sill. I sit with my food and milk.

The view here is nice. It's different from the garden I see everyday.

The trees and bushes are scattered unorganized, but still a pleasing sight. There is a stream nearby as well, with a small bridge above it.

"Say ahh~"

I opened my mouth not to eat it, but to say something.

"I can feed myself."

"Hm? Are you sure?"

"Yes. You look busy Hana. I want to help too after I eat."

Hana's hair is messy and her clothes are dusty.

We are not in the palace anymore. It's just me and Hana now.

"But you're too small for the job my dear, hahaha."

My face pouted on its own. It's true, I am small. Why am I so small??

"Okay, I will let you eat on your own. Then, let's take a bath. I'll prepare some toys and snacks here in you room later."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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