Chapter 2 (Growing)

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Howdy, Howdy, yep I'm here updating a new chapter with this story. I like writing for this story. Just like the rest of my stories, just my mood/my mind was mainly thinking about this story and it next chapter. So here it is.

Hopefully, many you enjoy this chapter and continue reading this story to see where it goes.

There not much to say since we still early on in this story, so other then that...



Mirko: "I FOUND YOU!!!!" She said as she came crashing down.

Xavier: "MIRKO!!?!"

Mirko: "Tch, you three were a bit of a pain but it...over...." She looked and saw the three thugs in a flame cage. " three have already been captured?!...BY WHO!?!"

Xavier: "That would be my doing."

Mirko turned around and saw Xavier.

Mirko: "Heh, you did this huh?"

Xavier: "Yes, and before you ask, I didn't want to use my quirk but they tried to attack and I did it out of self defense."

Mirko: "Don't worry about it kid, I'm not going to get upset because you did the right thing. It's clear you have a level head on if you trap them so fast."

Xavier: "Thanks, that means a lot coming from an awesome upcoming hero."

Mirko: "I see I have a fan eh."

Xavier: "Yep, if you don't mind me asking...can you sign these two notebooks." He pulled out two notebooks from his book bag.

Mirko: "Uh...sure...but why two? Let me guess you're going to sell one online aren't you?"

Xavier: "Hmm? Oh no one is for my friend Handley. We both love heroes and I thought it only fair I get him one too."

Mirko: "Heh, you're a good kid, alright I'll sign both of them." As Mirko began to sign the notebook, she looked at some of Xavier's notes and had a shocked look, and one of her eyebrows twitched a bit. "Holy crap, what with these kid notes!?! And his friend is the same as him...he clearly has a fire quirk...but this knowledge...some basic hero would think he has an IQ quirk...and what about my thighs? *ahem* here you go."

Xavier: "Thank you. Handley is going to be so happy when I tell him I met a pro hero and got their autograph...he is also going to give me shit for almost getting caught up with some thugs."

Mirko: "Heh, sound like you got a good friend, and he care for your well being."

Xavier: "Yeah, I wouldn't be where I am without his help that for sure. The dude can come off harsh to others but really he's a good person... he's also a massive toll."

Mirko: "Heh, that's good. I don't have many friends but those I consider friends I care deeply about. Make sure you cherish the friendship you have."

Xavier: "Thank you."

Miruko: "Also...I see your a fans of my thighs as well, heh."

Xavier looks away, blushing.

Xavier: 'DAMN IT!!! I forgot I wrote that stuff down!!! I do stare at Neo thighs but it is not my fault!!! Oh got damn it I can not tell Handley this!'

Mirko: "*laugh* Well, it's clear you're not a perv, and you seem like a good kid. Thanks for helping capture these thugs I was chasing after. Don't worry I'll make sure you don't get in trouble."

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