"What message?" She shot my father a look

"Well I heard through the grapevine that our daughter was back in town so I reached out to her so that we could hatch things out. I was surprised to hear back from you Arabella"

Trust me, I wasn't going to but after doing a lot of thinking and debating about this with Jade, I figured it was time to finally release those strong grudges

"Yeah, me too" it was no surprise that my father reached out to me. Throughout the years he's tried to call here and there and he even sends money when he remembers I exist but that wasn't enough. If he really cared about me, he wouldn't have kicked his one and only child out from the get go.

"Arabella, let me just start off by saying, your mother and I are terribly regretful."

"Is that so?"

"I know a simple apology couldn't suffice for the damage we caused you but it's a start. I'm sorry, Bells. I think I-we allowed our emotions to takeover and we completely overreacted. Kicking you out of this house and losing contact with you was one of my greatest mistakes in life. I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me one day." I looked in his eyes seeing how sincere and genuine his words were as he spoke. The man that sat across from me is not the same man from back then. Years ago, you couldn't even pay my father enough money to apologize yet here we are

I remained silent, conflicted with mixed emotions. I figured he'd regretted his decisions being that he's tried to keep in touch with me since I've been in Maryland, but to actually hear him apologize to me was just so hard for me to wrap my head around. I always dreamt of this day, I never knew it'd actually become reality

I cleared my throat trying to fight the lump in my throat. The words in which my father spoke was I longed to hear for so long.

"Look at her Charles, she's still the same. I have no idea why you're wasting your time"

"Nicole please, this family has been broken for way too long. It's time we act like the adults we are and apologize. It's been years"

"I wouldn't give a damn if it were ten years! When we kicked you out of our house we told you not to ever come back."

"I came merely because of an invite by dad." Oh how badly did I want to cuss her out and raise hell in this bitch

"Charles why did you invite her?"

"Why? Surely I don't have to remind you that she's our daughter, Nicole. Our only daughter might add" It's not everyday, you see your father beg you're own mother to speak to the child they created together. "She doesn't need an invite, this is her home"

"Maybe it's best if we just continue to go our separate ways" I checked the time on my phone seeing that I haven't even been here for more than ten minutes. Rather it be ten minutes or ten hours, we were never gonna hatch things out.

"I agree" she stated with her arms crossed against her chest as she glared at me. I wondered exactly why she despised me so much? Since the day I became a teenager and began having thoughts of my own, I felt  as if I was walking on eggshells around her. If I were to breathe too hard it was considered having an attitude or if I didn't want to eat the dinner she bought I was a troublemaker. Lord forbid I disagreed with her on something, then I would be disrespectful.

"Okay stop this, if she will continue to act as a child, surely you have something to say to her Bella. Now's the time to say what needs to be said"

I sighed looking off to the side wanting nothing more than to just leave.

"Don't roll your eyes at your father, you will respect us in this house"

"Why should I? You never once respected me."

"The only people that deserve respect in this house are the ones that bring money in it. I don't see you paying any damn bills!" I scoffed hearing that same ole excuse of disrespect

"Oh please, the only people that deserve respect in this house are the ones that take full responsibility for what they've done. The ones that actually raised their children. These ones that didn't turn their backs on their daughter when I needed you the most!"

"Little girl do not raise your voice at me, I am still your mother!"

"Do you really believe after all this, you deserve that title? You're not my mother." There she goes not hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth but instead focusing on the volume of my voice.

Being called called Mom/Mother is something that is earned after raising a child which she can not relate to.

"You know what you can drop this whole victim bullshit. I told you if you were to ever get pregnant, you're gone in an instant and your father agreed"


"No dad, let her speak ."

"You got everyone in the damn neighborhood in our business because of your actions. Actions come with fucking consequences and you knew that and still did what you did. Instead of focusing on books you were out in these streets being a hoe. Being a hoe in this house gets you kicked out because I did not raise you that way"

"You didn't fucking raise me at all!" I shouted standing from my seat feeling the blood boil under my skin.

"Arabella.." my father started but I simply ignored him as I stared at the woman with an intense stare. Now it's starting to feel like home again

Us shouting at the top of our lungs going back and forth as my father just stands there

"I was a victim of sexual assault and you guys didn't believe me. My own fucking parents wouldn't believe that I had sex against my will and that shit haunts me. Instead you turned your backs on me just like everyone else did at school. You kicked me out on the streets when I fucking needed you! I-I needed you"

"Watch your mouth Arabella" she too stood from her seat causing my father to shoot up as well "When will you stop with lies? You had sex with that Eric boy, got pregnant and regretted it so you've used that bullshit assault lie as an excuse. But you can't fool me darling, I know what kind of girl you are."

I grew angry as my vision became blurry from the tears because of how frustrated I was. No matter what I said, she would never hear the words I was saying. How could she still believe everyone else but me? After all this time she still doesn't believe me and she never will

"You know what, go to hell."

"What the hell did you say to me?" She started towards me until my dad held her back as I grabbed my phone and purse. I scoffed at her childish behavior wondering what mother tries to fight their daughter? This was truly disgusting and I had to get out of here

"Arabella please, just wait a second" I heard my father's voice shout but I continued to head for the door ignoring his pleading. So now he decides to speak up?

"Bella? Are you alright?" Before opening the door, I heard Ms.Wilson's soft voice question

I sniffed not able to control the tears streaming down my face as I tuned to her

"Oh sweetie, it'll be alright" she reassured as she hugged me

"I-I gotta go"

I rushed out pulling out my phone rushing to find his contact by suddenly, I stopped. There's no way I can bring my problems onto him when he's clearly dealing with enough

Damn it I feel so alone

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