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Love, a concept I haven't quite grasped. It is something whispered over pillows in the dead of night, accompanied with kisses and said joyously to those deserving and sometimes, undeserving. It is something dreamed about by the lonely and forgotten by the rich. It is said by many but meant by little. I have never quite understood how people can crave something that they hardly understand. The thought of being, or not being, loved drives people mad and in this sense I wonder why they crave it in the first place. Competing for something they don't understand, it seemingly becomes their whole driving force. This concept is desired by all who don't receive it and forgotten by those who do. There are many different forms it seems, of this love. There is family love; given and received by those who are related. Romantic love would be the most complicated of this concept, it the one that everyone wants but no one is willing to give. It requires large amounts of trust from both and the willingness to "have your heart broken". Not literally, although some would say that is how it feels, as though your heart has been literally broken because the other said person didn't return this 'love'. After seeing lovers again and again hurt themselves and each other I have decided I have no real urge to experience this love, although at the same time I wonder if this, me not craving love, is more proof that my humanity is slipping away from me.


A/N Thank you to those that have read this. Its an idea that has been in my head for a while an now I've taken it upon myself to write. If anyone have any ideas for this "observer" to discuss, leave me a comment or message me and I will see what I can do. Comment? Vote?

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