CH 6 - blue-green eyes

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A girl was running down a hallway as quickly as she could. She panted because she was out of breath but she couldn't stop now. If they find me I'm dead she knew. The girl kept running after her short break.

She went around a corner and made it to the end of the office. Just then she heard a door open and ducked behind a desk with the files still in her arms. Oh no! I hope he doesn't find me.

"I don't think you should be sneaking around." The man's voice was sharp and it scared her so bad.

OH no! Bristle thought again. It's Berry! He'll tell him about what I'm doing and then the whole plan will be compromised.

"I was just trying to get some files for the boss." she tried to say.

"No you weren't. I saw you sneaking around! I know what you're trying to pull Bristle. You've been suspicious the whole time!"

"No I am not!" She tried to defend herself even if it was a lie. I can't fail now not when we are so close.

He went to grab her arm and she saw he had a gun. "Come with me now. I am going to report you and then you will get in BIG trouble for what you are trying to pull."

Oh no! How could I have been so careless?

"It's OK. The boss sent me to fetch her." A boy her age (she thought) stepped through the door. He had brown hair and light green eyes that were so entrancing. Bristle had never seen him before. Could he be a new recruit? She was curious about where he had come from in her time of need.

"Oh OK. If you say so. I haven't seen you before." Berry still seemed a little suspicious but he let go.

"Well I guess you don't know the boss that well if you've never seen me." The boy taunted him.

Berry seemed upset but he turned away. "I'm not going to waste my time with sneaky pests who think they know everything. But watch out Bristle and new guy I won't ket you get away with this. I have a job to do."

He walked down the hallway and out of the office. Then Bristle followed the guy outside to his red Bugatti Chiron. They got in while she still had the folders. He opened her door for her. She buckled her seatbelt. Then he got in on the driver's side.

"You don't even know my name... Why did you save me?" Bristle asked very confused.

"That's okay. My name is Abram and I couldn't let anything happen to you. You were fighting so bravely but even though you were being brave, sometimes you have to just get away." He looked away after he said that and shadows fell into his eyes. Bristle wondered if he had a history if something bad had happened to him.

I should tell him my name she thought. "My name is Bristle but my friends call me Briss."

"OK Briss, why were you there?" he asked in a questioning tone.

Bristle looked down at the floor of his red Chiron. She couldn't tell him this, not yet. It was too soon. What if he was with them?

"I- I can't tell you sorry."

"That's OK. I get it. I have secrets too that I can't share with others."

Hearing this made Bristle feel less alone. She always had to pretend and keep up a front and make herself do what was eight. But now she felt like she could breathe easier with him. Wow... I wonder what his secrets is? I hope he doesn't find out mine.

But wait... Bristle wondered feeling scared. What if he's going to turn me in? If he really does work for him.

Just thinking about him made her feel afraid. She hoped that these files could help and that the others could hold down the fort for her. It had been so hard to get away from the fight...

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