CH 1 - a stormy night

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There was a dark shadow in the distance. The wind was howling and whipping the trees in all directions. Not a sound could be heard otherwise. A full moon was high overhead.

A gorgeous girl made her way down the road. Her long, glossy auburn hair blew in the breeze. But little did she know she was being watched. A shadow moved nearby. But who was this myserrtious stranger...?

Penny's eyes went wide when she saw who it was. Bright beams shone down on her as the rain poured more and more. Even though she was scared, she was a Robinson and Robinsons don't get scared.

Penny called out, "Look, I don't have time to introduce myself, Who are you?"

The voice did not answer.

Now Penny was more afraid. "I said who are?"

But the figure still did not answer. The wind continued to pick up and she heard the scelwing of tires.

"Penny!" a new voice called her.

Penny spun around. It was a boy dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans with an umbrella. (*see above picture for specifics of his looks*). "You weren't at the bus stop. What happened?"

Penny blinked. What had happened?

The shadows grew longer as Penny waited at the bus stop. The rain was sloshing near her boots and she really, really, really hoped she wouldn't have to walk in it.

But just as she was about to go back to looking at her phone, missing her home back in Arizona, her brother, Will, and (sometimes) annoying sister Judy, she heard a motorcycle .

Now Penny could just not understand why someone would be out in the rain. What an idiot, she thought.

But then the sound drew closer and then they were gone.

Next, Penny heard an ear splintering crash and rushed to investigate.

Then he, the strange shadow had called out to her and she hadn't been able to reach them back.

I need to show him the fire, she thought. Maybe he'll know what to do.

"There was this guy on a motorcycle who got hurt, maybe. He's right over here-" Then she turned around to show him the figure. But when they both looked, the figure was gone. All that reminded was the sound of the raging storm overhead.

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