CH 5 - the darkness builds

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"What's going on?" asked Penny as she tried to look around him but he was too tall.

"Shhhh!" he told her again. This time he was frowning.

"I don't understand?" Penny repeated getting upset. "Why are you shhhing me???"

"Come with me." He grabbed her arm.

"No way!" Penny pushed him. "I don't even have your name."

"Well you won't get it this time." And then the next thing Penny knew was that she couldn't see anything. Then he was gone! There was so much smokeThe area where he was had been was nothing! But she could hear the sound of a motor cycle driving away.

Wait.... Penny was thinking. What if that was the motor cycle guy from before??? Could he have come back???

"Wait!" Penny yelled after him but he was already gone. How could she keep missing him? If he was the motor cycle guy that would mean he was the same guy who was at her house and had been there the night she arrived. Penny felt a strange link to him. Why and how were they connected. Who was this ??? Person???

Anyway, Penny noticed it had gotten late so she decided to go back home with her new dress and maybe try to get her photos back. That way if she did, she could look and see if it was the right guy! What a great plan Penny knew.

But little did Penny know things were going to change A LOT when she got back....


"Penny where have you been?" the sister asked her when she walked through their large marble door.

"I was out shopping." Penny replied. She showed the other girl the dress and the sister was instantly jealous.

"How come you get such a pretty dress right after you moved here? I want a pretty dress too!" Needle said upset.

"Well there are more dresses at the store and there is one that will make every girl look so pretty." Penny was good with words.

Needle wasn't mad anymore. "Thank you Penny. We can go back tomorrow and I can get a dress too. I need one for the dance next week."

"There is a dance next week?" Penny asked.

"Yes it is the angel dance and it is a very fancy masquerade ball. That means you need a date, a pretty dress, and a mask. It's so mysterious! Last year, the strangest things happened-" Needle didn't get to finished because the lights flickered.

"Did you see that?" She asked.

Penny looked around and saw movement out of the corner of her eye. "THERE!" she gave a shout. "There is someone outside in your yard!"

"Oh no!" Needle looked at her. "What am I going to do?"

"Where is your brother?" asked Penny as she looked for a weapon.

"I don't know! He likes this girl at school and he told me he was going with his friends to try to talk to her."

Just then, Root came through the door but he was beaten up ... BAD!

Oh no! Penny thuought rushing to his side. "What happened?"

"Come quick Needle! They are here again!" Root gasped out.

Penny got him a band age and some water. He took a lot of drinks and seemed really tired. I wonder who he is fighting???

"Not them again! This is the last time!!" Needle pushed past her. "Root I need your help if we are going to be able to get them to leave."

"OK" he said getting up.

"Wait! What abut me?" asked Penny. "You can't expect me to just stay here! I can help too." Then Penny remembered the strange motor cycle guy she saw earlier. "I saw that rider again! ??? he was there!"

"No way!" Needle looked at her brother like they shared a secret. "You need to stay here Penny. It is dangerous out there."

"Why do you guys get to go and risk your lives why I have to stay here? I don't want to be the one getting into danger sure, but I would be not a good person if I let you guys just run off and fight alone!"

They both looked ar each other. Needle stepped forward and then looked at her brother. "Okay Penny you can come with us but we need some supplies. Can you go to the closet to get some?"

Penny said yes and went to the closet but the door shut behind her!! "Guys! I am stuck!" Wow this is just my luck. I try to save the day and they just want to leave me behind. Why did I even try?

Penny was best at just sticking to the sidelines keeping the expectations low. That is what she always did back home with her talented family. She was always just Penny. But not this time. With extra determination, Penny was able to bust open the door with her hair clip and then she ran after them.

Once in the town, she found them facing down some other people that Penny had never sen before. Then she saw a car drive up... It was a fancy one— red Bugatti! Penny's eyes widened when she saw the driver...


Somewhere else, it was very dark and there was a creepy wind blowing. A man who was cloaked entirely in shadows walked up to the dark house and he gave the secret knock.

"Whos's there?" someone said.

"It's me." He whispered. The person opened the door.

"Boos it's you! We need to start working on the plan. Those kids-"

"I know," the boss said. He looked very angry. "I will need to get my revenge. But don't worry I have all the pieces in place and soon it will all come together."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughed evilly. 

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