Chapter 2

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George POV:
After Sapnap and Bad walked away to set up camp, George continued to stare down into the hole.

The man below him matched the description the Hunters had been given; wavy blonde hair (that had clearly not been combed in a very long time), piss coloured eyes, an ever-present smirk.

They had failed to mention, however, how attractive Dream was.

His shout up to George shook him out of his thoughts. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

George scoffed. He was just as cocky as the letter had said.

"You aren't in any position to be acting all high and mighty, Dream." He responded, liking the momentary surprise that jumped on the blonde's face.

George wasn't finished there though. He opened his mouth to speak again. The ground below him began to crumble. He lost his footing.

"GEORGE! NO!" Sapnap and Bad's voices rang out in unison. Pounding footsteps signified panicked running to the hole.

It was too late. With a quiet click, Dream stepped on the pressure plate.

Before he even heard the explosion of TNT, George had been flung into the wall of the massive crater that opened up. His head hit the wall.

And then, darkness.


George stared into the mirror. Why was he chosen to be a Hunter? He was absolutely useless. He got scared too easily. He was weak.

He had been living alone for most of his life. He somehow survived by himself, through bad luck, as he often put it.

Nobody took care of him, and he didn't take care of anyone. He had learned not to get attached.

That all changed when he met Sapnap and Bad. They were his best friends. His only friends. He would do anything for them.


The dust was still clearing when George opened his eyes. Dream lay opposite him, still breathing but unconscious.

"George? Are you okay?" came Bad's nervous voice from above.

Opening his mouth to answer, he inhaled some of the dirt that sat in the air. His body was racked with coughs.

"I'm fine," he called after a moment.

"Oh thank god," Sapnap said. "We were worried you died, Gogy."

"You really think I'm that fragile?" George responded, hurt evident in his voice.


George turned to the voice's owner. Dream. He was now sitting up, grinning. His face was covered in scrapes and his nose was bleeding, but for some reason it was almost hot.

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