Part 8 (Sunwoo's POV)

Start from the beginning

Sunwoo notes his pounding heart and nearly laughs at himself. Why is he acting like a prepubescent boy sitting next to his crush? It's not like he's unfamiliar with the female gaze, and he's most certainly not a virgin. All it takes is one look from you to trip him up? Lord. What are you doing to him, and how does he make it stop or at least slow it down? He hasn't felt like this since… his first girlfriend.

He immediately pushes that thought from his mind and shifts in his seat. He doesn't know what to do with your intense stare. You've never looked at him like this, and though it's something he's wanted for a long time, he feels unsure of what to do next. 

Risking another glance at you, he sees you nibbling on your bottom lip, and he has to close his eyes and just breathe for a moment. The urge to touch you nearly blinds him, and he almost feels like he has to sit on his hands or else they'll be all over you, and he doesn't know how you'd feel about that. If that’s something you would like or not.

You've never shown interest in him. Even when he attempted to talk and flirt with you, you'd nearly stare right through him like he wasn't even there. That was what was stopping him. Sunwoo thinks back to that almost kiss the two of you shared. That was the first time you truly looked at him like you wanted something more, and, god, did Sunwoo want something more. He wanted you so badly. He'd take you here right now if he could.

He needed to break up the tension. He needed to tell a joke about the situation before he did something truly stupid. Something you probably didn't even want.

"We're gonna have to rewatch this episode."

A confused look spreads across your face as you continue to stare at him. Sunwoo finds it annoying that you can look so cute and innocent when you were nearly undressing him with your eyes moments before.

"I'm pretty sure you've been staring at me this entire time."

"I have not," you argue, but your face takes on a pinkish hue. He's definitely caught you, and now he's gonna mess with you to prove it.

"No? Then, I'm guessing you saw the two leads finally kiss?" 

When your eyes nearly bulge out, Sunwoo holds back his laugh. You truly have not paid attention to a single moment of this show. When you realize he's messing with you, you level a light glare at him. He decides then and there that he's not done messing with you. It's too much fun.

"Admit it. You were staring at how stunningly handsome I am."

He brings his hand up to his face, lightly tracing his jawline. He wanted to see if you'd admit that he was right while the other half of him just thoroughly enjoyed the way your eyes trailed his finger. Now, if only he could figure out how to get you to want your hands on him instead.

You tell him to pay attention to the show, but he decides to make one more joke. When you fall silent after, eyes distantly staring at the TV, he wonders if he pushed you too far. Did he embarrass you? Irritate you? He severely hopes he didn't just somehow mess up whatever this dynamic was between the two of you.

The thought upset him more than he expected it to, and he focuses on the show to get it off his mind. When the episode is over he asks if you want to watch anything else, but he can see in your eyes that you want to escape. You want to get away from him. You mumble something about being tired and head off to your room, leaving Sunwoo sitting there in silence. 

Did he joke too much? Tease you too far? Was it even his fault you were acting like this or was it something else entirely? He contemplates it for a couple more minutes before he realizes you won't be coming out of your room again tonight. Turning off the TV, he stands up from the couch and heads to his room, wondering if he should've done something differently. 

When he enters his room, he grabs his textbook off the dresser and tosses it toward the bed, immediately following behind it. He stares down at the book before sighing and reaching for his notebook that was on the floor next to the bed. Maybe not a great place for it, but that's where he abandoned it earlier. When he flips everything open to the pages he needs, all he can do is stare down at them. His mind is refusing to focus on work. It would rather replay your conversation earlier or what little conversation you had.

Sighing, he flops down on the bed and lays there. He tries to work through different scenarios in his head when it comes to you, Minjee, finding an apartment and also keeping his grades up at school. He starts to get a headache and lets out a small groan, but when a quiet, feminine moan reaches his ears, he's half-convinced his brain is groaning back at him. Until he hears it again.

His entire body freezes as he tries to process what that sound is and where it's coming from. Slowly, he sits up. When a soft whine reaches his ears, his eyes shoot straight toward the wall separating your rooms. That sound came from you.

He stands up from his bed and walks over to the wall. Debating for a moment, he bites his lip and places his ear against it. When he hears another whimper, followed by light pants, he moves away from the wall like it's on fire. He stares wide-eyed, mouth parting with the information that you're in there touching yourself, as he slowly sinks to his bed.

Breathing escapes him as your sounds ricochet around his brain, and he suddenly feels like a fucking creep. He needs to stop listening. He needs to find his headphones and shove them as far into his ear canals as they'll go, but another soft moan has him unable to get up.

He never realized how freaking thin the walls were here. He hardly ever heard a peep from you, and now it's dawning on him how much you've probably heard. His sounds, the other girls… You've made comments about Minjee before, but he just assumed it was because she was extremely loud, not because you could actually hear everything. Well, now he felt like an asshole too.

Your moans become louder, and he has to grit his teeth to keep his focus. God, you sound so pretty. What he would give to be the one making you moan like that… His cock twitches at the thought. Shame hits him as he sits there and listens to you get yourself off. His dick hardens and throbs more and more with each passing second until he's so turned on he thinks he could cry.

He can tell you're getting close to your orgasm, and he wants nothing more than to talk you through it. To whisper sweet, dirty words until you explode around him. He takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, but only a few seconds later, your orgasm hits you… and it's his name that you're moaning out into the world.

Sunwoo groans, feeling nearly all of his control slip through his fingers. Every fiber of his being wants to burst into your room and give you something to really moan about. He wants to make you fall apart all over his cock until you barely know your own name.

His hand finds its way into his sweatpants, and he's clenching his length before he's even truly aware of it. You were thinking about him and touching yourself. It was nearly Sunwoo's wildest dream come true. His hand rubs up and down his length, squeezing and spreading the slickness that seeps out.

The girl that he's been harboring feelings for just masturbated while thinking about him. All those pretty whimpers and moans that left your mouth were, in part, because of him. He never thought you liked him. Never thought you were even attracted to him, but this changes things. This changes everything.

Doesn't it?

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