After spending several hours with his cousin's lifeless form, Jimin stood up, cradling the body with utmost care, as if holding a fragile flower.

"Let's go home," Jimin whispered to his cousin's dead body, taking heavy steps towards the exit from the castle, the weight of grief and sorrow burdening his every move.




Jimin entered his familiar street, drawing the attention of onlookers as he carried the lifeless body in his arms. People started following him from behind, but Jimin continued to walk, his gaze fixed on his predetermined destination.

"Uncle," Jimin mumbled as he entered his cousin's house, carefully laying the dead body on the ground. Shocked, everyone in the house turned their attention to the lifeless form. Jimin's mother screamed in agony upon realizing her son's fate, rushing to his side and caressing his lifeless face. Then she noticed Jimin standing there in silence.

"Why? Jimin, why?" The pain in his aunt's eyes pleaded for answers. Jimin, burdened by grief, looked down, unable to meet her gaze.

"Just tell me why?" She asked again, her grip on Jimin's collar tightening as she demanded answers from the young man who held the truth of her son's demise.

A crowd had gathered, and pressure mounted on Jimin to reveal the reasons behind his cousin's punishment. A random man from the crowd demanded an explanation, pressing Jimin to disclose the alleged transgressions that had led to such a harsh fate.

Jimin, however, remained silent, steadfast in withholding the details. The tension escalated when a hard slap resonated through the air, jerking Jimin's face to the left due to the force. Still, he kept his silence, refusing to speak.

"I said, tell us! We are his parents!" another voice from the crowd demanded.

Jimin observed the anguish and anger unfolding around him, but his inability to share the truth weighed heavily on him.

"He touched... He touched the prince's clothes mistakenly," Jimin began, but before he could finish, a random man from the crowd threw his slippers towards the dead body. Reacting swiftly, Jimin stepped forward to shield the lifeless form, taking the hit on his own body.

"Leave this dead body of a wretch who tried to INFECT our GOD?!" another man from the crowd shouted, igniting a surge of anger within Jimin.

"He is NOT A POOCH!" Jimin vehemently defended his cousin's lifeless body. Despite being a slave to royal blood, Jimin refused to let his cousin be insulted by the local people.

"Oh really... Who is defending this dead body... A slave of royal blood," a voice sneered with sarcasm, aiming to belittle Jimin.

"GET LOST! NOW!" Jimin shouted, pointing to the door, urging the people to leave on their own accord.

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