Chapter 10 Day in the Life of Destroyers and Lolicon

Start from the beginning

Time skip

Then they wonder to Akashi Capitalism Store

Money back guarantee maybe

Akashi: Welcome Nya

Ayanami: Ummmmm

Akashi: hmmmm

Ayanami: Akashi what are you doing here

Akashi: I can do business around the world as long as there are customers

Long island: Hey any chance of discount on this? (Holding A Yorktown class model)

Akashi: Not even the slightest and that's 200 gems and dollars

Long island: Capitalist and scammer !!!

Javelin: After Akashi came the sections got better

Ayanami: Jeez we thought you were dead

Few minutes later

Ayanami: Akagi with the Sirens?

Akashi: Yeah, Akagi can be scary but she wasn't the type to go behind her friends back

Ayanami: What is going to happen to Sakura Empire

Akashi: Ummm I may have an answer for you ummmm  gone kaboom maybe


Location: Golf course

Queen Elizabeth: I still don't understand the Sirens

Warspite: What makes you say that

Queen Elizabeth: I Know they our enemy of course but what else, like where the bloody Fuck do they come from and what The Fuck do they want, we've all ask the questions so many times but no one seems to know why do the sirens even bother interacting with humanity it doesn't make sense of there goal is just to eradicate us, they just do instead wasting mountains of resources on the so called Project Orochi

Hood: Pardon but are you referring to enterprise

Queen Elizabeth: What do you think

Hood: If so I was just thinking Illustrious always has her eyes on Enterprise as well

Warspite: I agree that what I bloody saw

Sheffield: Indeed

Warspite: Of course she did I recall shes quite a something

Queen Elizabeth: that is why I assigned Belfast to Enterprise just to like balance her personality a bit you know like a binary star system

Warspite: Like a Red hypergiant star orbiting a blue hypergiant

Queen Elizabeth: Yes

Another location

Illustrious: What we have feared has come to a bit of a reality

Belfast: Hmmmm

Illustrious: You must have known the truth about Enterprise and her state of mind

Belfast: Well her personality has changed for the better that's the positive thing right now

Illustrious:No matter how powerful she is her spirit is vulnerable her radiation could go through the roof

Belfast: There is little we could do but maybe she could hold it in But she has no choice but to face herself

Neptune: Hmmmm

Illustrious: I see

Neptune: so should we let her recover

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