Yeonjun giggled as he walked, a large plush in one arm and Soobin's hand in one of his as they walked. "You didn't have to do that Binnie~ I told you the game was rigged." He said and Soobin pouted.

"Well I wanted to do something nice for you Junnie, and that fox reminded me of you so I just had to get it." He reasoned and Yeonjun just smiled. They walked into an area with food stands and different food smells hit their noses immediately.

"Mmmmm~ can we get funnel cake?" Soobin nodded and both boys walked over to the stand and purchased a plate of said food to share. "This is so good!" Yeonjun hummed as he ate.

"Not as good as you~" Soobin teasingly whispered and Yeonjun started choking on his food. Soobin immediately pat his back until the pink haired was alright, blushing while hiding his face.

"I hate you" he mumbled before eating more food. Soobin chuckled and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"I'm sorry Junnie. What can I do to make it up to you?" He asked in a sweet voice as they were close to finishing their food.

Yeonjun thought and looked at a certain ride. "I want to ride that. When it gets dark outside it lights up" he said, pointing to the Ferris wheel. Soobin smiled and poked his cheek.

"Okay" said Soobin before picking up the now empty plate and throwing it away before grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him to said Ferris wheel that had a really long line.

"Binnieeeeeee this line is too long" he said with a pout. Soobin pecked his cheek softly and rubbed his back.

"It's perfect. By time we get to the front of the line, it will be dark and the lights will be on. Plus, if we come later, there'll be a longer line." He said softly. Yeonjun only nodded and leaned his head on the younger's shoulder.


Soobin was right. By time they got to the front of the line, there was a way longer line and the lights were now on.

Soobin helped Yeonjun get in the little cart with his new plushie before getting in himself and sitting across from the boy on the bench.

Yeonjun looked out the window happily and looked at all of the lights as they went up. "It's so pretty Binnie~" he said softly.

Soobin hummed and watched Yeonjun with a smile. "Not as pretty as you Junnie." Said boy looked at him with a blush.

"Shut up" he said, covering his face in embarrassment.

Soobin chuckled and reached across the cart to grab his hands.



"I have something to tell you" he said quietly but enough for the other male to hear him.

"What is it?" Asked Yeonjun curiously as he held Soobin's hands back.

"Well," he started. "Every time I'm around you I'm happier than I've ever felt, like weights have been lifted off my shoulders. When we spend time together and play around and tease eachother I never want it to end because I like being with you." He said, looking at the boy. "What I'm trying to say is that I fell in love with you Yeonjun. I love you so much and want to be with only you." The brunette smiled as he confessed to the older. "Choi Yeonjun, will you be my boyfriend and be mine?" He asked quietly.

Yeonjun looked at him with wide, teary eyes before nodding rapidly and hugging him tightly. "I will!! I would a Thousand times over again." He said happily and Soobin rubbed his back before the boy pulled away and smiled up at him. "I love you too Choi Soobin." He said, pulling Soobin into a long kiss as they reached the top of the Ferris wheel, their tongues dancing together as they pressed their lips together.


Soobin smiled as he drove Yeonjun home, happy that he was together with the one he loves.

Yeonjun and Soobin walked up to Yeonjun's apartment and waited as he unlocked the door, going inside. Yeonjun set the fox plushie on the couch before looking at Soobin, who was still outside leaning on the door frame, with a raised brow. "What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting~" the younger answered.

"For what?"

"For you to invite me inside" he said with a smile. Yeonjun blinked a few times before rolling his eyes and pulling his boyfriend inside of the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"I swear sometimes you make me want to punch you, but I refrain because I wouldn't want your handsome face to get ruined." He said before taking his shoes off and putting them away.

"Your words wound me Junnie" he held his heart and pretended he was shot.

"Drama Queen" Yeonjun picked up the plushie and brought it to his bedroom, placing it on the beanbag chair in the corner of the room. He hummed in content and smiled, about to turn around but was pulled onto the bed by Soobin, who looked down at him with a smile while he blushed and looked up at the younger in return.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked as Soobin leaned down to kiss his cheek and jaw softly.

"I'm kissing you, duh~" he said, leaning back down to continue what he was doing, moving down his neck, brushing his lips against the soft skin.


"Can I mark you?" Soobin asked, looking up at Yeonjun for permission.

Yeonjun blushed like a tomato and nodded slowly. "Only if I can too" he mumbled quietly. Soobin smiled brightly and leaned back down, gently kissing his neck and collar bones before sucking and biting on them. Yeonjun sighed in content and moved his head to the side so the younger could have more space.

After a few minutes Soobin pulled away to admire his work quietly before kissing the boy softly. "Your turn, beautiful~" he said, getting off of the boy and pulling him into his lap instead. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck with a soft hum.

"Can I take your shirt off? I want to mark you where no one will see it" Soobin nodded and Yeonjun wasted no time taking the boy's shirt off, revealing his chest and abs. "Hot damn Soobinnie, do you work out?"

The younger chuckled and kissed his cheek as Yeonjun poked his abs "sometimes." He replied and Yeonjun nodded before leaning down to place various marks around Soobin's chest and shoulders, some even on the boy's abs as well.

When the two were done marking each other and making out they laid on the bed cuddling, Yeonjun rubbing his boyfriend's stomach, and Soobin having an arm wrapped around the boy's waist.

"You should put your shirt back on Binnie" Yeonjun said with a hum.

"Why would I? You clearly like me without it on~" he teased and Yeonjun whacked him with a pillow.

"We have to go to bed Binnie- woah!" He tried getting up but Soobin pulled him into a tight hug.

"Let's sleep like this"

Yeonjun sighed and cuddled the younger, burying his face in the other's chest. "I hate you"

Soobin smiled and rubbed his back. "I love you too~"

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