Chapter 14: Casual Before Casualty

Start from the beginning

It was relatively quiet in the neighborhood and the only vehicles on the road appeared to be a few tricycles and the common jeepney.

The houses around them varied in age. Some were made of wood and the others were made of concrete and steel. 

"Just your average cafeteria, nothing too expensive but the food is great and I know the people here." Andrea pointed her finger to an establishment they were gradually approaching.

The place was a small concrete structure with no paint. On the side of the structure stood a ladder and some wooden scaffolding.

By the door were a few plastic buckets, racks of soft drink bottles, and some cardboard boxes scattered all over the place.

"Hey, Oliver," Summer said. "This place reminds me of the empanada shop back in Vigan."

Oliver took out his handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead. "Yeah, it does look similar." 

"I'm actually excited." Summer smiled.

"Hunger really does something to a person's emotions," Oliver said. "I can almost smell the soy sauce in the adobo."

"We're here!" Andrea pushed open the door. 

Upon entering, a horrible stench attacked their nostrils.

"What happened?" Andrea covered her nose.

A boy from inside the foul-smelling kitchen came out to meet them. Styling a red apron, a large cooking knife slightly grazed his clothes as he carelessly held it in his right hand. 

Looking tired and dazed, the boy replied to Andrea's question. "Oh, someone forgot to put the meat in the freezer yesterday and now it's spoiled. Didn't expect it to smell this bad though."

"Who was it?" Andrea asked.

"Not sure."

"So you guys can't cook today?"

"Unfortunately, yes. That is until we can go to the market to buy some new meat. But my sister went out and I'm too busy running some other errands."

Oliver raised his hand. "We could probably buy the things you need."

"You sure? It's pretty hot outside." The boy continued. "By the way, I've never seen you two here before. What're your names?"

"I'm Oliver, this is Summer," Oliver said as Summer nodded. "We're friends of Andrea from Baguio."

"Baguio? That's pretty far from here. Nice to meet you, I'm Vincent." Vincent said. 

"We could go buy that meat if you want," Andrea said. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you."

"It's completely fine," She replied. "You've shown me where to go already anyway. It should be a piece of cake."

Andrea continued. "And, I don't think you two mind, right?"

Oliver and Summer nodded in agreement. 

Vincent scratched his head. "Aw, alright then. I'll give you a list and some money."

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