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Yoongi was staring and he couldn't help it. The way her elegant long fingers pressed on the keys so perfectly, her long eyelashes gently kissing her rosy cheeks, and body dancing along the rhythm. She looked majestic. 

The tale she told him today was a tale of death. Death always had hated his job, having to take the innocent ones in his arms and cradle them until they and fallen asleep in a deep slumber, not knowing that they'll never be able to see the world again. It was a hard job but it was the duty of death, a duty he couldn't run away from. 

"I can go on forever about how much I admire your skills, Raesun." Yoongi breathed, his hands automatically slamming softly against each other, giving her a applaud. 

"Thank you, gentleman." She chuckled. "It's almost evening." Raesun slightly gasped looking at her wrist watch. "I lost the hold of time in spending time with you." She added. 

"Right, It was a pleasure for me to meet you and I'm looking forward to further interactions." Yoongi smiled at last, not wanting to leave the great company behind. 

"Oh, since it has been so long, would you like to have a tea with me?" 

"Sure if you insist." 

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