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They talked gaily of arts and music, how they shared the same interest in those topics and how they felt like long lost best friends. 

Her soothing voice was just enough to calm Yoongi down, he felt himself getting lost in her void eyes. There was something about her that allured Yoongi, just like her music- that he couldn't pin point but whatever it was, he liked it. 

"Lost, are we?" Raesun, the lady laughed. 

"Can't help. I finally got to meet the beauty behind those endless stream of tales." Yoongi returned the same airy laugh. 

"Oh Yoongi, you shouldn't be flirting with me- you are in a relationship." 

"H-how did you know?"

"Oh, maybe you should really start closing the curtains at night, Yoongi. We live just parallel to each other. I didn't had any intentions to peak but my eyes just fell on top of the two naked lovers in each other's arms." A rosy hue accumulated on Yoongi's cheeks at her confession, praying for the earth to swallow him alive. 

Oh god. This is so embarrassing.

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