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─────12| HEARTBREAK─────

How much heartbreak can one person take? What's the limit to it? What's the moment they say no more, please? When is that moment that they pray that nothing else goes wrong? How much can one simple person take for them to be okay? And how much pai...

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How much heartbreak can one person take? What's the limit to it? What's the moment they say no more, please? When is that moment that they pray that nothing else goes wrong? How much can one simple person take for them to be okay? And how much pain can they take before they go completely numb?

How much can a person take before they break?

Everyone has different amounts of pain that they can handle. But everyone has a breaking point—it's inevitable. Everyone has a moment when they say no more, because the amount of pain they've lived though is finally enough. But you keep going. The trauma is still there, and you need to get through it even when you're tired of it.

Jasmine Sutton is a convinced the universe conspires against her. Like it has some personal vendetta against her, for whatever reason. She's suffered more loss than anyone else has, losing her mother, her father and her brother. Losing her family to another country. Losing her lover in the most devastating way, and now losing someone that she considered a sister.

When was it enough? When is the universe going to give her a break?

She didn't receive the phone call from the police, that was Mia; but Mia did inform her about what happened to Letty, and in that moment Jasmine knew this fucked up world was out to get her. Because why did they take Letty away from them? She didn't deserve it, no one did.

After the news of Letty's murder, Mia contacted Dom to tell him the news. If Jasmine was devastated, she couldn't imagine the feeling Dom was going through. This was his Letty, his partner for life, and she was simply snatched away from his grasp in just one second.

The preparations for her funeral were fast. They got a priest and a nice tombstone at the cemetery. They didn't know many people, but all their friends were there waiting to say goodbye to dear Letty Ortiz.

The colorful racing cars littered in the streets, the most decently dressed the group of racers has ever been. They paid their respects to Mia Toretto and Jasmine Sutton, as they were what you can call Letty's sister.

"We have gathered here to pay our final respects to Letty Ortiz, an extraordinary woman. Let us reflect on her journey, and on her life."

Jasmine zoned out and stopped hearing the priest's words when she caught eye of a blond, familiar figure standing beside a car watching them. He was surrounded by more men in suits, and they were scanning the area vigorously. Jasmine felt a tear roll down her cheek as she locked eyes with him, but she diverted her attention back to the ceremony.

Once the sermon was done, they lowered the casket to the ground and just like that, Letty was gone.

Jasmine loves the Toretto house, she's had so many amazing memories there, and was grateful to be now living there with Mia to keep her some company. But it also had too many painful memories. Rooms belonging to the other members of their families that were no longer there with them, memories of the old life they lived. One were police cars were not outside their doors at every waking second of the day.

Jasmine closed another box, and brought it down to the shed in the garage. "Hey Mia, where do I put—" her words stopped once she saw the man standing in front of her best friend. "Dom, oh my god," she whispered, setting the box on the counter and jumping into his arms. "I've missed you."

"I was about to take Dom to the crash site; do you want to come?"

Jasmine nodded her head and followed them to the red Chevelle. Dom was driving, and Mia was giving him instructions on where to turn.

"It's straight ahead," Mia said once they were out of the car.

Jasmine had not been there before tonight. Going to the places where she's lost people was always hard for her, so she tried to avoid it as long as she could. The street was solitary and dark. There were a few streetlights illuminating the road, but it was not a dangerous track. Whoever did this, it was by force and on purpose.

No words were exchanged between the trio, the two women watching Dom with fierce eyes as he scanned the site for anything. He walked around, crouching down, inspecting every inch of that street.

Minutes later they were back in the car in front of their neighborhood. There was silence engulfing them, so present that you could hear a pin drop. Tension high that you could cut it with a knife. Neither of them wanted to break the ice.

"You found something back there," Mia finally stated.

"There were burn marks on the ground." Jasmine's heart skipped a beat. "The kind that could only be caused by nitrometh. There's only one guy in all of L.A. that sells that."

"Nothing you can do is gonna bring her back, Dom," Mia started. She wanted to convince her brother that whatever he was planning was not worth it. "If I were Letty, I would ask you—No, I would beg you, please, let it go. Before it's too late."

Dom sighed. "It's already too late."

Mia nodded defeated, pressing a kiss on his cheek. "I love you."

Jasmine squeezed his shoulder in reassurance before she opened the door and got out. Dom then drove away.

"Hey, Mi, I'll see you at home. I need to drop by my apartment to get a few things, okay?" Mia nodded, giving her a hug and turning to the opposite direction. Jasmine then went her way to her apartment. She just needed to fetch a few bills to pay and some paperwork for her job that she had scattered around, shouldn't take her long.

Once her business was done, she exited the building, and started her way to the Toretto house. Doors closing close to her alerted her of upcoming, unwanted company.

"Miss Sutton." A short man in a suit, accompanied by a taller man got out of the car and in her path. "I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI." Jasmine raised an eyebrow. "Let's have a little chat," he said, opening the door and revealing Mia already inside.

Jasmine was left with no other choice than to follow them.

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