Before We Begin

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I bet you're here to read some It fan fiction, aren't you? Well you're not in luck, because I'm making a whole little book based on It! I hope you love this process as much as you do (I don't like the writing part lol). But we're gonna get through the bad boy together :)

-To start off the 1st point of view is, Sofia. That is my name, yes. I'm not a fan of the y/n.
-This story is after they get rid of Pennywise. So everyone is still young and things.
-This story also might have gays.
- I'm not gonna go wild on the romance. They are still younger adults like myself.
-please comment if there's typos, wrong things, or anything offensive
- these chapter take a bit longer cause I like to make sure the characters are very developed like in the movie. But the chapters are a bit longer. Around 600-1000+

But have fun reading! It'll be worth the process.

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