Strips (The King) Weathers x M!Reader

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🍋🍋hello. request is by TheLand4 hope u enjoy im rlly shaky while making this so- if u see any spelling mistakes thats why lol ENJOY- cars version btw

I was just in my garage getting repaired. My wheels popped during a practice race. Then someone entered while I was being sent down. It was Strips, or, mostly known as "The King".

"Oh hey Strips, whats up?" I asked, driving in a circle to test my new wheels.

"Just checking up on you, that was awful seeing your tires pop like that. Wonder what happened..." He said as he gave me some space to move.

"Yea, same here... Ew these tires suck, they loom ugly as hell on my P/C." (paint color.) I said as i looked in mt mirror.

"They dont look that bad.. Cmon, lets head out." He starts to drive away and I quickly follow.

"Hey wait up! These tires still look ugly on me you know!"


After a long day of practicing for the race next month, Tex decided to do a movie night thing.

"Ok, so, i dont own many movies at the moment, but ill let you guys pick. Here are your options, good night racers!" With that, Tex left while a forklifter started saying some options.

"We should watch horror movies!"

"No, romance movie!"


All at once, everyone started shouting ideas, expect two.

"Im not big on movies..." I said, Strips giving me a weird look.


"What do you mean by that? Have you ever watched a TV show?" Strips asked me.

"No, I dont own a TV. My parents always said it rots the brain so i never got to watch any. Didnt have many friends who owned a TV so." I shrugged my tires.

"Hm.. alright then." He then went to the crowd and cleared his throat, havinf everyone look at him. "Y/N hasnt watched a movie before, nor a TV show. Any thoughts?"

Everyone looked at me.


It was around the second movie, late at night. The only thing is, I cant sleep unless its absolute quiet and dark. So here I am, awake. Watching... some sort of romance movie. I went to take a sip of oil but i realized it was empty. Thats when I spotted Strips still awake.

"I didnt know u were still awake." I said, he jumped which startled him.

"Sorry, didnt mean to scare you." I chuckled.

"No no, its alright. And i honestly love romantic movies. I grew up watchinf them."

"Huh.. thats cool."

We just started talking, then here comes a romantic song

(Falling Slowly by Glen Hensard. i totally didnt look up songs online- 😂)

I don't know you...
But I want you...
All the more for that...

"Well thats awkward... heh.." He said.

"Well shit. Should I turn it off or.." I asked and he shook his hood.

"No, I wanna see the ending. Maybe theres a big plot twist."

"Ok, lets continue watching it then." we turned out attention to the screen.

Words fall through me,
And always fool me...
And I cant... react...

It then showed the actors looking at each other, then slowly leaning in to kiss.

And games that never amount,
To more than they're meant,
Will play themselves out...

I started to blush as the kissing got deeper. I could feel Strips moving a bit, so i looked over at him.

"Are you ok?.." I asked.

"Y-yea.. im fine..." He deove backwards slightly.

Take this sinking boat and point it home!
We've still got time~
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice!
You'll make it now~

Thw truth is.... I have liked Strips for a while now and... the songs right, i need to make a move. I started to slowly drive foward, the blush appearing on both of us and we kissed.

Falling slowly, eyes that know me..
And I can't go back...

"S-Strips...?" I asked once we separated for air.

"Y-yea..?" He asked nervously.

"I.. Ivw always liked you since you joined, I look up to you alot and.. I.. Im glad we became friends.. Can.. we push it more?" I looked at him, the blush on my hood still there and I can feel it.

And the moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black...
Well, you have suffered enough,
And warred with yourself.
It's time that you won...

"Oh Y/N... I have always thought that you were super cool, and chill and.. Im also glad we became friends.. So, of course we can take it to the next level. I-if you want.." He got a bit shy and he shuffled himself again.

I smiled and kissed him again, makinf him drive backward into a small hallway, the sound of the movie faded.

"Mm.. Ow.." He slammed into the wall.

"Sorry... hun.. Ill try to be more careful." I gave him some space to turn around.

"I-im a bit nervous.." Strips said.

"Dont worry, im the one whos mostly doin the work." I got on top of him and went inside him slowly.

"A-ahh..!~" He startwd to moan out.

"G-geez I just got started and I already got a reaction." I went in and out, slightly moaning myself.

"K-keep going.." I heard Strips breath it out.

I followed his request, and went faster.

"O-ohh my god..!~ S-strips your tight~" I moaned out, i could feel myself drooling.

"T-this... feels sooo g-good!~"

I went harder, which made Strips whine at the sudden roughness.

"S-slow down! That hurts..." Strips whined and shifted.

"Sorry hun, ill slow down." I did that, but i kept the fast pace.

This continued for about 30 mins, just us moaning and panting. I could feel myself getting closer.

"H-hey Strips?" I panted out.

"Y-Yea Y/N?- R-right there!~" He moaned in reply.

"I-im getting close!~" I kept goinf tho and hittinf his spot, earning his sweet moans.

I then climaxed into him, both of us moaninf. I got off and parked next to him, kissing his cheek.

"I love you Strips..."

"Love you too Y/N.."

welp- thats that- this sucked. i hope i guys enjoyed this.

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