background information

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Welcome to this story. As you know in this story Catboy and Owlette are about to go through challenges that may have an affect on their relationship. This is a few things you need to know before I start.

1. in this story we have catlette, lunakko, nightyu and their parents know about their adventures.

2. the parents know about lunakko but not catlette.......yet

3. even though we have lunakko and nightyu this story mainly focuses on catlette

4. this happens before the ninja power up episode

5. this story is mainly 3 stories in one place (I know I could put each in a different story, but I had my mind on this way)

6. before the title in the last 2 stories it was chapter than a number, but here it will look like this S#C# (example---S7C68 which mean that part is story 7 chapter 68 (not a real part of this story))

7. for at least the first chapter in the first story I will try a new way of writing it (if I am ok with it that way will be for the rest of the story, if not then it will be like the other 2 stories)

8. the main ideas for the three stories are forgetting something, take over, and an argument (you will have to wait to see what they mean)

Well that is all I can think about that you need to know for this story. So let me know in the comments what you think of my story ideas. If at this point you have questions other than the main ideas of the stories put in the comments and I will try to answer them. see you later.

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