The Birds and the Best Friends

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Back in the day, when I fought in The War, things were much simpler. Things were black and white. You knew who your enemies were by their uniforms, by the way they spoke or where they pointed their rifles on the battlefield. But now, we're fighting a different kind of war. A war where the line between friend and foe is blurred beyond recognition.

A gray world.

Who's on your side in this City's wicked game? The Queenpins and their gangs definitely aren't our friends, but they've kept to their turfs in the North and the South for the most part. The Shrimps and the Deadbeats are preparing for war, but they haven't declared it. Hopeful Shrimps flock to the North to commit themselves to Gura's call. All the while, Deadbeats sharpen their knives and wait for the call to attack - eager to swing their weapons well.

But here in Central? That different kind of war is already being fought.

Blood has already been spilled on the Nephilim Jazz Club. People like that maid lady with the nice voice are playing both sides from her cafe. Even City PD can't claim to have clean hands. Not when Shrimps and Deadbeats could be among them.

Truly, we live in a gray world.

These harsh realities have brought us down to our knees. We're cowering here in the place that was supposed to be the fortress of justice in the city - our foxhole in the war that could soon be fought. We're desperate to find the truth in a gray world filled with lies and deception. Therefore, surely, packages of canned fruits and tea are but a drop in the bucket and...


"No." Ina interrupted Ame's monologue sharply. "Subaru and I are NOT going to forgive you so easily, Ame! And the same goes for you, Kiara, for playing along with Ame's insane stunts! You're enabling her!"

"Ahahahaha~" Kiara laughed uncomfortably.

The rookie detective was kneeling on the floor of Ina's office beside Ame. The two opened packages were on the floor beside them while Ina and Subaru loomed over them and cast heavy, disappointed shadows.

"Detectives." Subaru chimed in, speaking more formally than she did just an hour ago, "You do realize that City PD has protocols for bringing in evidence like this?" She raised up her pointer finger and wagged it at Ame's face, "First, you have to call Dispatch and inform Technical Services about your situation. Next, you..."

"Next, we wait for Technical Services to advise us about next steps, I know." Ame finished Subaru's spiel for her.

"Then why didn't you do that!?" Subaru squawked, shaking her fists at the kneeling senior detective.

Kiara saw Ame heave a sigh. She could tell that her partner was getting ready to methodically answer Subaru's question.

However, all of a sudden, Ina laid a hand on Subaru's shoulder.

"It's alright, Subaru." Ina spoke with a calmer tone now, "Now that I think about it, I can sort of understand why Ame pulled this stunt."

"You do?" Ame suddenly brightened up, "Then, can Kiara and I get off the..."

"No." Ina shut her down immediately, "I understand why you did this, Ame, but you still broke protocol. Things could have gone really bad!" A devilish smirk formed on Ina's lips, "Plus it's not every day that I get to play a parole officer and see Amelia H. Watson squirming and groveling before me."

Uwaaaah~ Dr. Ninomae is scary. I thought that nobody had power over Ame-senpai like this, but I guess I was wrong.

Subaru scratched the back of her head and hummed, "So... how exactly did you figure that out?"

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