Chapter 14

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Giyuu’s POV
Soon more people will be coming in. The rest of the day went by like normal, actually life went pretty much back to normal. Months went by and things were almost exactly the same. Except that I got a raise and me and Sanemi started becoming friends.
I met two of his friends named Gyomei, and Obanai; who did not like me at all. He had a girlfriend named Mitsuri. She was quite loud and bubbly, which was the opposite of him. Then things started connecting, Shinobu knew Mitsuri. Which led to all of us hanging out. Shinobu, Tengen, Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Obanai, Gyomei, Sanemi and me. We are at a pizza place.
We just ordered two sausage and pepperoni pizzas for all of us to share. Mitsuri was chatting about how lovely the closest park is. She had her arm slung around her boyfriend. Everyone was having a good time, no one seemed upset or out of place.
Yet, I felt awkward here with them all. I've never really hung out with anyone in such a long time as friends. I know Sanemi and I have become friends over the past few months but we haven't hung out until now. I looked down at my lap, I had nothing to talk about with them at all. Then I felt Sanemi hold my hand underneath the table, I looked up and he leaned closer. Everyone was too busy chatting and sipping on their sodas, so they weren’t looking at us. He whispered in my ear and it made my stomach flutter with butterflies.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and grabbed my drink with my other hand. I sipped on it and then the pizza arrived. He let go of my hand and we all dug in and got our slices. Mitsuri and Kyojuro can really eat. If we weren’t hungry they could have eaten the two pizzas themselves. Time passed by and I got a bit more comfortable, Shinobu still teased me about how quiet I was. I shrugged her words off, Sanemi sitting next to me made me happy enough.
Once we were done eating we got up and split the bill and then left. Tengen wanted us all to go to his place. I didn’t really want to though, they wanted to drink and get drunk. I declined the offer and so did some of the others. The only ones who went were Shinobu and Kyojuro. They all knew each other for a long time so I am not worried about them.
They left and I started heading home after saying goodbye to everyone. I am tired and have to work tomorrow. When was the last time I had vacation? Right, never. I have days off for sure but I never went on vacation. I always used to worry about the zombies and never took time for myself. Well it’s still kind of chilly out, maybe during the summer I should go take a vacation. I got home and went inside, quiet as always.
Then I got ready for bed and laid down. My silk pajamas and the bed felt really nice, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Every now and then I have nightmares about the past but I've been able to move on better since I finished Sabito off. My dreams tonight weren’t bad, when I woke up, I felt refreshed. I got up and got ready for the day. I no longer train every morning.
I still train on weekends to keep in shape though. I went to work and things continued on. Once I got off, I went home and opened up my computer. I did some searching on what I could do for a vacation. Many different things popped up, not much of it sounded interesting to me. Then I clicked on one website that caught my attention.

‘Love Cruise, a cruise for you and your loved one!’

My face heated up and it sounded like a good experience. It wouldn't work though, because I'm not in a relationship. I have no one to go with. Well maybe if I go next year I'll be with someone by then...
Who am I kidding. No one loves me and I'm too quiet and awkward for anyone.
I sighed and the rest of the day went by. A few more weeks went by and I kept thinking about that cruise.

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