Chapter 5

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Giyuu’s POV
The next year goes by in a blur. I got the job, graduated and Mr. Urokodaki sadly died from illness. I have nobody with me now… People at my work are friendly but I really don't want to get close to anyone. I haven't talked to my high school friends since graduation. Which is probably for the better. Every night, I dream of the dead. Rising from where I used to live and coming to terrorize the rest of the world.
Whenever I'm not working, I'm training. I don't really need to because I think I can handle them. I continue to train so I don't lose my strength. When I go to work, often my coworkers bother me. They think I don't get enough sleep. Which is true. I go to bed at eight, but I often can't sleep well. Then I wake up at five to train until six.
Then I take a shower and get ready for the day. At seven I start work until three. Each day a girl named Shinobu bothers me while I try to work. She should be busy working too but she finds time to annoy me. A guy named Kyojuro also really wanted to be friends. He is quite loud though but seems kind and confident.
Tengen was also loud but more wild? Is that how I should put it? He has three wives and still flirts around. I don't understand anyone I work with. Here they are enjoying life, meanwhile dead people are luring around. Today is my birthday, February 8th. I'm turning twenty today, none of the other coworkers know though.
I don't want them too, I never celebrated my birthday since I lost Sabito.
I am also not planning on celebrating ever again. I continue on with my schedule and go to work. I get to work and the others are chatting away. Barely anyone is here at the grocery store at seven.

"Kyo' I didn't know you have abs! That's very flamboyant!!"

Kyojuro had his shirt lifted up, showing off his abs. Huh, he must work out. I walked over and Shinobu started talking.

"We were talking about how fit we are. Then Kyojuro said he had abs and we told him to prove it."

I nodded, it was quite dumb but who cares. None of my business. I was about to turn around and get to work but Kyojuro spoke up.

"How about you Giyuu? How fit are you? You look very skinny."

"He probably barely eats!"

I sighed and shook my head. Then I spoke up which I barely do.

"I'm also in good shape. I have abs too."

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