Chapter 13

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Sanemi’s POV
He didn’t look happy or relieved at all if anything he looked scared, devastated, and confused. He spoke up but only one sad, broken word came out from his quivering mouth. His eyes were tearing up and his eyebrows knitted together.


I looked over at what he was looking at and I saw another zombie. It had peach messy hair and a big scar on it’s cheek. Giyuu must have known this zombie when it was human because ‘Sabito’ must be a name. The zombie didn’t recognise him, it just gnarled and came closer. The only thing on its mind is killing and eating brains. Then I looked back at Giyuu and he had tears running down his face. He choked back a sob and held onto my arm. He was hyperventilating and shaking a bit.
I didn’t know what to do, should I kill the zombie? Should I let him kill it, or would he even be able to in this state? I turned and faced him, his hand fell from my arm. I could chat a little bit with him as I could tell the zombie wasn’t moving right now. I fully faced him, blocking the view of the zombie.

“Hey Giyuu, I need you to breathe for me okay? Here, look at me… shh, it's gonna be alright.”

I tried to be quiet, helpful, and understanding. I did this with my siblings whenever they would get sad. I cupped his face with my right hand and wiped his tears. He moved his gaze up to my eyes and whimpered.
He felt totally lost and upset, which I could understand. He leaned his head more into my hand and closed his eyes for a moment. When was the last time someone had done this for him? When he opened his eyes he grabbed my hand and pulled it away. Then he walked around me and raised his gun at the zombie.

Giyuu’s POV
I know that the right thing to do is to kill him. I had to keep repeating the same thing in my head. ‘He isn’t Sabito anymore. Help him move on from this cruel world.’ I blinked away any remaining tears and raised my gun at him. He tilted his head and came walking forward, making terrible noises. I sighed and aimed for his head, I hesitated and he got closer. Then I finally shot and it hit him straight in the head.
Then I shot him twice more making sure he was fully dead. Once I saw for sure he was no longer moving, I got closer. I started sobbing again and crouched down in front of his dead body. Please move on Sabito and be happy in the afterlife. I grabbed his dead hands and hoped for him.
Then after a few moments I stood back up and Sanemi was there to help me up. He walked me home and gave me a hug. I went in and wanted to pass out, but I had to take a shower. After the cold shower, I went and got ready for bed. Then I crept into my bed, it was almost the best feeling ever. After such a hard day, I could finally lay down.
It's so crazy to think that all of this has happened in only two days… I fell asleep and the next thing I knew was my alarm was waking me up. I didn’t feel like training today so I slept in a bit more. Then I woke up, got ready for the day and went to work. When I got to work, everyone was chatting. Which wasn’t unusual, but this time they were talking about the zombies.

“...Yeah, super flamboyant. I didn’t see the ugly creatures but I'm glad they're gone.”

I walked over to them and they all were chatting about how none of them saw them. Probably a good thing, because those things can really haunt you.

“I heard that two men jumped in and helped! How crazy is that!!?”

Rengoku’s voice was so loud, I had to cover my ears for that yell. I don’t know if I should tell them that I was one of the guys. Yet, I had never really shared much about myself to them before so why start now? So I only nodded along and then got ready at a cash register.

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