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The trek was long. Alex passed through quaint villages and busy kingdoms. He was headed for Glory, a port town where sorcerers were accepted and celebrated. He made it just as winter started to rear its ugly head.

It snowed neatly the day Alex entered the gates of the port city. It was the evening. He paid for his horse to be housed, and set foot into the city. The air was crisp and cold. It bit at the edges of his face.

Alex was protected by a mild beard that has grown in. He walked into town. He was entering through the southeast gate. He carried both bags with him as he went into the city to find the closest tavern. The road here led beside the docks, and Alex spotted what looked like a popular street heading north.

He took it, and walked down the street. The buildings he passed were all related to trading goods that came in through the port. The buildings turned into houses, and then he encountered a crosswalk. Across the street he saw a tavern.

He entered the tavern. It was buzzing with conversation and intrigue. The walls were decorated with paintings and feathers. Alex approached the bartender. "Excuse me sir, I'm new in town. Do you have rooms?"

The bartender shook his head. "I don't offer inn keeping. If you're looking for a hostel, you'll have to head further north into town. There's one not too far." The bartender scanned Alex. Alex was dressed in his armaments, which kept him warm on the road. Alex's hair stuck out from under the chainmail. "You're not from around here, I see," the barkeep observed, "Welcome to town. My name is James. Ask me anything and I'll try my hardest to help out. Need a drink?"

"Mead," Alex ordered. He was served quickly. "I need to get in touch with the local governing body. How are you all ruled?"

"Oh, yeah. We have a council here. They will accept visitors tomorrow I know for sure," the bartender said. "It's two days on and two days off. You can find them at the northernmost part of town. This is actually the main road through town, so get used to the traffic during the day."

Alex nodded, "Where's a good place to get a permanent house in town?"

"Oh, I dunno much about that. I'd go to the council for that too. I think they do the taxes and everything with that." The barkeep left to go tend some customers down the bar.

Alex drank his mead quietly. He listened to other conversations close to him, just for curiosity's sake. Nothing interesting. He sighed. He finished his mead and ordered another. He paid for his drinks and left, heading further north as the barkeep instructed.

He found the hostel the keep was referring to. "The Travelers Inn." He read out loud. He turned and entered the inn. There was a woman at the desk inside.

"Good evening, thank you for coming by! Are you looking for a room?" The woman asked Alex.

"Uh, yeah. I'll need a single bed. Nothing fancy," he said. Alex paid for the room, and followed the woman to his room. His room was the furthest room on the right. He entered and sat his bags down. He took off his chainmail and leather armor. He relaxed across the bed and fell asleep quickly.

Morning came quickly. He woke naturally. He stood up and shook himself off. He grabbed the king's letter and immediately left for the council's meeting. He headed north, following the long road to the large building. He observed shops as they opened for the day.

His walk was finished. He was at the council building. It was a very important looking building, at the very least. Alex took a bridge and spotted some guards. He approached one of the guards. "Excuse me sir, is this where I see the council?"

The guard nodded. "Just go up these steps and go in through there. You'll enter a holding area, just get with an aide."

Alex thanked the guard and proceeded up the stairs and into the building. It was quiet in the room. Most everyone sat on benches, besides two aides that stood at the front of the room. He approached them. "Excuse me, I need to see the council. What do you need from me?" He asked.

Travelers: Alexander, the ForsakenWhere stories live. Discover now