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"Where am I?" Alex inquired. He was sort of floating in the air. He was surrounded by darkness. He looked down. He had no body. He seemed to be just a light shining in the darkness of wherever he was.

"You're home, Alex," another voice said, "This is the beginning of the afterlife. Soon, your soul will be judged for your actions, and then we will reincarnate you based on some factors we keep track of. There is nothing to worry about."

Alex paled; at least, his light did. "I'm dead?" I don't want to die yet!" He cried out. "I was about to have a son. I just got a new position as a mercenary working for the king! This can't be happening."

"Oh but it is happening, Alex. The poison from the arrow has already destroyed your liver. You are currently unconscious, but your body can't hold on for much longer, we believe." The disembodied voice said.

Alex sat quietly for a moment. "Can I go back?" He asked quietly.

"Can you? Certainly. Under your current conditions, we estimate that this event has already taken a great majority of your lifespan, but you could in theory survive it, if you pray and wish for it hard enough. You see, Alex, you are very special. You have a kindred soul, and your soul is very powerful. It can will things to go your way, and impact the world with your feelings.

"We here call this energy, this soul, part of the source. You will be returned to the source before reincarnation, and be given a new life. Are you sure you want to return? We could show you how life will pan out for your loved ones if you were to pass, if that brought you peace."

"I don't want that." Alex said. "I want to return to my current life. I'll be returned to the source one day anyways, right? I want to continue existing as I was."

The disembodied voice was silent for a moment. "Are you sure? You have a struggle ahead of you now, and survival won't be easy. Your body is already damaged quite thoroughly, but now that you know about the source, you could be taught how to manipulate it, should you find a teacher. You'll be on a completely different path, should you will yourself back into your body. I repeat: are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," Alex said without hesitation. "Even if my path changes, my truth remains the same. I want to be known by many people. If I need to do that through the sheer strength of my spirit, I will."

"Ah, so it's fame you're chasing. Impressive." The disembodied voice laughed. "Very well. I'll entertain you just this once. The next time you fall, it will be for good. I hope you reach your goals in the time you have left. You'll likely to die at a younger age than most with the damage already wrought on your body. Good luck!"

Suddenly, Alex felt a sense of vertigo, like he was falling from a great height. The darkness was turning into a starry mess. He fell through the stars, and suddenly he was in his body once more. He immediately rolled over and vomited.

"Holy shit!" The last surviving mercenary exclaimed. "You have been dead for the last 3 days. You came back to life... I haven't heard of anyone doing that since Jesus..." the man's voice got really quiet. "Are you Jesus?"

Alex puked again. It seemed as though his company had broken the arrow, but he still felt the tip embedded in his chest. "No, I'm not Jesus." Alex mustered. "I am my own man with my own will. I'm just glad you all haven't tossed me aside to rot."

"We were tempted to, since you weren't breathing at all. We are still in contested territory right now, and we will be until we reach the town." The man said. "By the way, the name's Hugh. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself before."

"I need water," Alex simply said.

Hugh nodded and fetched a water flask from the supplies. He handed it to Alex, and Alex drank deeply from it.

Travelers: Alexander, the ForsakenWhere stories live. Discover now