★Trust Me - Sapnap

Start from the beginning

"It's okay Sap.. I should have checked to see if you wanted food. I'm sure Quackity will happily eat it when he gets here, it's the first thing he does. Raid my house for food" George says with a soft chuckle.

"My stomach hurts.." I mumble with a pout, wanting pity points from George.

"Poor baby Sappy" George says in the type of baby voice he'd use on a cat or any pet. "C'mon, go shower. You sleep sweat and it's kinda gross smelling" George says softly before he kisses my forehead and gets up.

I groan before grabbing my stuff to shower and change, heading for the bathroom and shouting to George that I won't be long.


"George, where's your bathroom?" Karl asks softly as I'm drying off from my shower.

"Quackity can you take him to the one in my room, Sapnap's still in the shower" George says and I sigh, knowing I won't be interrupted as I slowly change.

I'm trying really hard not to aggravate my stomach. It might be because I have had so much food in the last two days compared with how much Dream makes me eat.

We have our diet, me and Dream, that we both stick to and then I have to have three small snacks between each healthy meal. With George it's, three different meals with snacks galore between them and zero work out time.

Either way, my stomach aches so bad. It's also hot and bubbling with nausea so I'm being very careful. I don't feel like throwing up in front of the guys anytime soon.

I'm bloated too, more than just after a meal. It's why I grabbed my comfy hoodie. To hide it. It's embarrassing. Especially cause when I used to hang out with Karl at his, I was so slim. I like that me more but nobody else seems to.

Apparently it scared them. Seeing me so thin was nice for me, I felt good about being on camera and being seen by my friends. I didn't feel like some zoo animal locked up to be stared at because of my size.

Instead, people complimented me. They told me I looked good, that I was hot. I never got that before when I did face cam streams. It was always comments on how round my face was or how much of the camera I filled.

But that stopped as I lost the weight and then I couldn't stop loosing the weight. And before I knew it I was sick, in hospital with Dream by my side every day. I know I got sick because it got bad but I liked it. It made me feel good, controlling how much I could eat, making sure the numbers never went too high.

"Sap.. you okay? The waters been off for a while now.. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt" George says softly after he lightly knocks on the door.

"I'm fine.." I say softly, opening the door to reveal George stood with a worried frown on his face. "Just.. feeling unwell still" I say softly and George hums.

"C'mon, let me dry your hair so you don't get sick any further" George says softly and I nod.

He goes off to grab his hair dryer and a comb whilst I take a seat on the floor.

"Why you sitting down there man?" Quackity asks as Karl comes out from the kitchen.

"George is gonna dry my hair" I say softly and Quackity nods as George comes back with the hair dryer.

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