I looked out the window as she did what she did, but soon her voice caught my attention again.

"Long day huh?" she asked.

I shook my head, "You have no idea."

I know she was trying to start conversation with me but I kept it short and sweet. I was tired as hell and not interested in small talk.

"That sucks, hope tonight is better."

I sighed, smiling politely, "Thanks, is my food ready?"

She nodded, pulling a brown bag from beside her. I grabbed it from the bottom, since her hand was all over the top of it.

"Here's your receipt, I left something on the back."

I know the hell not...

I grabbed it politely and immediately pulled off, shaking my head. I sat my food in the passengers seat and glanced a the back of the receipt. I couldn't do anything but laugh as I saw the ten digits on the back, and a heart by the name Rowan.

I stuffed it in the bag and continued driving, planning to throw it away eventually.

I do not know that girl, much less would I consider using her number. I was already dating someone, and that someone was the only person I wanted to date right now.


I unlocked the door to our apartment and dropped my lanyard in the bowl we had up front.

"Honey, I'm home!" I could hear the Summer Walker playing being paused, and then came footsteps.

"Hey you!" I heard from behind me.

Tulia pulled me into a big hug, rocking us side to side. "My po' baby, I know you had a long day."

We pulled away and I nodded, walking to my room. "Yes I definitely did."

I sat my tote in my bean bag chair and our food on my dresser. Tulia made herself comfortable on my bed and grabbed my remote. I began taking off my outside clothes so I could get in my bed as well. I pulled out a random t-shirt and some pajama shorts from my dresser to put on. I then grabbed our food from the dresser and sat at the top of my bed.

Tulia grabbed her fries out the bag, "Thank you for my fries bestie."

I only nodded, letting her know it was fine before grabbing my tater tots and ketchup. She ended up putting on Grey's Anatomy, which I've already watched, but it was bound to become background noise.

After eating a couple of my tater tots, I remembered I needed to do something. I asked Tulia to grab my phone out my tote and she handed it to me.

I went to Sunni and I's messages.

sunni <3

i got home safe, did you?

Immediately I saw three dots pop up and grinned.

yes i got here safe, i'm sorry i meant to text you

it's ok, have a good night sunni baby :)

you too pretty lady :)

"I assume Sunni got you smilin' like that?" Tulia asked as I sat my phone down.

I giggled before replying, "Mhm."

"Well I'm glad somebody other than me been makin' you smile these days. I like seeing you happy mami." Tulia smiled at me, and I returned the gesture.

"I appreciate it bestie, speaking of that, what's up with you and Bas?" I asked.

Said girl rolled her eyes and sat up straighter, "Honey... that's the shit I had to tell you about, we beefin' right now."

I furrowed my eyebrows since it was my first time hearing of this. It seemed like her and Bas had been doing great.

"You remember Megan and Alana right?" I nodded, remembering the two pretty girls from the club.

"Tell me why Bas got mad at me for flirting back with them two days ago, like copped an attitude and everything. I confronted her about it and she was being all dismissive, but like I knew something was wrong so I stayed in her face." Tulia said, shrugging like it was nothing. I nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"So eventually Bas apologized told me it was because she really liked me and didn't feel like she was being taken serious. And you know how I am, I don't lock shit up for nobody until it's official, so I basically told her that." She said, gesturing with her hands.

"Long story short, we got in an argument, and we kind of mad at each other right now."

I shook my head, processing the whole thing. I could tell Bas really liked Tulia, and she made it very obvious. I could tell Tulia really liked Bas, so I don't know why she would want to flirt with other people?

I looked up at her, tilting my head to the side, "I mean, do you take anyone you date seriously?"

I asked because I realized my friend was somewhat in the wrong here. But I wasn't gonna antagonize her for it because no one is perfect. She's always had an issue with putting trust in people's intentions.

Tulia thought for a minute, chewing on her fries, "Not really, but I know she likes me for real. She's done everything to show me that, so I have no reason to doubt her. And it's like I really want to believe that but I can't." I could see the frown form on her face. I rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, letting the same expression cover my face.

"Yes, starting is always the hardest part. I've talked to Bas and she seems to have good intentions. I don't think she's tricking around on you. " I told my friend honestly. "Just tell her the truth and why you're so hesitant. If she realizes you're trying, I'm sure she will appreciate it."

Tulia smiled at me, "Thank you love, you're like the angel to the devil on my shoulder. That hoe was telling me to cuss her out instead." We both laughed at her comment, and I shook my head at her usual methods of conflict resolution.

We continued eating our late night snacks, halfway paying attention to Grey's playing on the tv.

Tulia suddenly turned to me, "Hey! You told me Syrus was coming to visit soon, you excited?"

I nodded my head, "You know I am, it feels like I haven't seen him in foreverrrr." I dragged, dramatically falling into the bed.

My brother was coming from college in a few days to visit me in Savannah. He surprised me with this information a few days ago, so I haven't gotten around to telling anyone besides Tulia.

"We already have a few moves planned, so I'm just ready to have fun with him." I said.

"I hope I'm included in those plans," she replied, raising her eyebrows at me.

I giggled, "Of course you are, invite Bas while you're at it."

Tulia gave me a straight face, "Not funny."

"It was to me," I shrugged.


how did y'all like it?

how y'all feel about Tulia and Bas?

Aphrodite and Sunni?

also, did you peep the new faceclaim layout? i didn't like the other one.

that concludes this chapter, see y'all next time.

i love you <3

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