"That's strictly Draco, Fred and my need to know prank plane only." George continued as Draco rolled his eyes at them but nodded anyway. I gave a pout at them and flew down anyway as they followed me with chuckles and laughs.

"How about we practice some spells?" I asked as I landed on the ground. I heard the rustling of footsteps as the others got closer to the ground.

"Potter!" I turned to see Ron smirking at me as Draco, Fred and George landed behind me. Their smiled sliding off their faces as they saw Ron glaring at me with a smile. I glared back full force.

"Ronald." I said mutually. Ron went red as I said his full name. I gave a smirk at Ron before my face went blank except for the glare I was giving Ron. "What do you want?" I asked as Ron smirked again at me. I glanced around me as I kept my gazer mainly on Ron.

"The Headmaster has asked for you. He's got some… questions he would like to ask you." I glared at Ron even more as I glanced to Draco, Fred and George.

"I'll be back. I'll meet you in the… room." I glanced at Ron at the last part before turning back to Ron. "I'll head their straight away," Ron smirked even more as he made to turn and lead me away. "After I grab Professor Flitwick. Can't have what happened last time happen again, can I?" I said with a smile as I walked past Ron with Draco, Fred and George behind me. Ron gaped at me before glaring.

"The Headmaster won't be happy with you, Potter!" I rolled my eyes and kept walking as Ron turned and ran off to the Headmaster's office. I glanced at Draco, Fred and George as we entered through the doors of the school and started heading off in our separate ways. I walked to Ravenclaw tower and began walking up the stairs with a sigh as I frowned.

What could Dumbledore want now?

I entered Ravenclaw Common Room and walked to the room that was Professor Flitwick's office.

"Harry." I turned to see Tracey walking towards me with a pleading look. I then found Cho and her friends looking at us with interest as I stopped and looked coldly at Tracey.

She's up to something.

"What do you want." I said coldly as Cho looked even more interested at my tone. I gave Tracey a glare as she pretended to look down cast and unsure.

"I… I just wanted to know why you're not my friend anymore. Is it because… is it because I rejected you?" Cho's eyes widened. I looked at Tracey for a second before laughing as Cho and the others looked confused.

She's trying this shit again while trying to damage my reputation as the Boy-Who-Lived.

"I can't BELIEVE your trying to do this again!" I said as I laughed again. "I never asked you out. As if I ever would." I then turned to the others and gave a smile. "I'm not friends with Tracey anymore because she… she basically killed one of the pets I brought to Hogwarts." At Cho's horrified face and many other, I inwardly smirked. "I brought a second pet, even though I was not allowed to, I brought one and she killed it with Ron Weasley." Cho looked at Tracey with shock as Tracey paled.

"I… I." Tracey started but stopped as I gave her a glare. I turned back to the others with a sigh.

"I need to go now. I've been asked by the Headmaster to report to his office. I wanted Professor Flitwick to come with me. Have a nice day." I turned and entered Professor Flitwick's office. Professor glanced up for a moment and his eyes widened as he jumped to his feet.

""Mister Potter!" I smiled at Professor Flitwick. "What have you come to see me about?!" Professor Flitwick asked eagerly. I gave another smile before frowning.

"I was wondering if you could come with me to Professor Dumbledore's office. I am being called up and I don't know why. Last time I was Professor Dumbledore…" I trailed off as I sighed softly as I looked away. He wouldn't believe me if I told him. I turned back to Professor Flitwick as he looked at me with concern and confusion. "I was just wounding if you would come with me, that's all." I said as I waited for Professor Flitwick's answer.

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