The Welcome Feast

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A/n: The first couple chapters are short and slow to start but stick with the story. 😂😂 it gets better as it goes on.


That was the only thing Hermione was capable of feeling leading up to the morning of September 1st. She had even waited until yesterday evening to go get her supplies at Diagon Alley. As she suspected, she hadn't ran into any one that she knew aside from Ollivander when she went to buy a new wand.

Hermione hadn't really had the need for a new wand in the muggle world. She found this new wand would suit her well. It contained a dragon heart string core like her old wand. Hermione used her new wand to magically pack her trunk. Once everything that she needed was accounted for, she shrunk her trunk down to fit in her pocket, grabbed Crookshanks and walked into her fireplace.

Hermione grabbed a handful of floo powder, looked at her cat and said, "well here goes nothing."

"Headmistress's office Hogwarts Castle." Hermione said clearly as she threw the floo powder down.

A green light sparked and when Hermione opened her eyes, she was standing in what used to be Dumbledore's old office.

"Hermione, you made it. I'm so glad you accepted my proposal and returned. The students will be lucky to have you." McGonagall said with a smile.

"It's strange to be back but I'm sure this will be a very rewarding experience."

"Come, let me show you and Crookshanks to your new quarters so you can get settled and have a look around before the students arrive. Mr. Longbottom is already around here somewhere." Minerva said ushering Hermione out of her office.

Hermione was shocked while walking through the castle. It was immaculate. There was no indication that a battle was won here.

"The castle looks amazing. It's truly marvelous." Hermione spoke quietly.

"Yes, we had an amazing team who worked hard for two years to get this place student ready"

Hermione remained quiet for the rest of the walk to her quarters in the dungeons near the kitchen.

"I do apologize that your quarters are down here. Mr. Longbottom requested the room nearest the Gryffindor common room."

"It's no problem at all," said Hermione while she walked past Minerva into her living area.

The living area had a sofa, a fireplace, a coffee table and a desk off to the one side wall. To the left of the couch, there was a small kitchen table and a small eat in kitchen. Hermione noted this must have been put in specifically for her as the elves provided all eating needs at the castle. Hermione smiled at the gesture knowing she wouldn't have to rely on the elves for everything. The door off the kitchen lead to the bedroom and connected full bath. Hermione would explore that area later.

"If these accommodations seem fit for you Hermione, I shall leave you to get settle in. If anything you need is missing, you can let me or one of the elves know."

"It's lovely Minerva, thank you."

"I'll see you in the Great Hall. 7pm sharp."

Hermione waved goodbye as Minerva saw herself out. She then removed her trunk from her pocket and returned it to its normal size. She cast a quick rearrangement spell and her belongings rose from the trunk and put themselves away.

Hermione sat on the couch with her copy of advanced potions to reacquaint herself with the contents. Crookshanks sat at her feet as she tucked into the book.


Hermione opened her eyes unaware that she had fallen asleep on her couch. She was woken up by a gentle knock at her door. She looked at her watch.

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