Chapter Six: you're my Duaghter

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CW: light degradation not the fun kind

Collette walks into her room and sees Vandervere sat on a chair waiting for her, her stomach drops "Mon Cheri? What are you doing here?" He glares at Collette and shakes his head angrily " I can't stay with you, you really carried on with that Medici woman!" Collette begins to beg Vandervere "Mon Cheri there was a power cut I was afraid I knocked on the first door I found!" Vandervere rose from the chair he was sat on and approached Collette tears in her Ocean coloured eyes, he spoke through his teeth "You and Y/n are done! You are both done working here you are both finished, you are nothing without me you are worthless and if you think anyone, especially Y/n will have you, you are severely mistaken!" And with that, he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him leaving Collette to sob in the middle of her room.

You're awakened by a pounding knock on your door you get out of bed and rush to open it your father is stood by your door with Vandervere and he looks furious you swallow as you step aside to let them in "Dad, Mr Vandervere what going on?" your father sighs as he begins to explain how you're fired tears fill your eyes as you realise it means leaving behind the troup and Collette "Also y/n I know about you and Collette." You stare at your father frozen Vandervere walks out you and your father are left staring at each other you feel anxiety make a deep pit in your stomach a thick silence fills the room as you sit down on a chair your father doing the same "Y/n how long has this been going on!?" Your father asks. You just stare at him "Y/n speak, how long has this been going on?" You swallow and say in a broken voice " Since I was 12." Your dad stares at you like you are crazy "You and Collette have been together since you were 12?" you stare at him just as confused until it dawns on you that he means how long you and Collette have been together with a bittersweet laugh you state how you two aren't together and that you just have a crush on one another he nods and says "I don't care if your gay y/n, I'm your dad I care if you're loved or if you're healthy and that you're safe you're my daughter!" He sits next to you as you collapse into sobs.

Collette and Vandervere is in his office once again he is yelling at Collette degrading her "I'm sorry Collette but could you be any more pathetic thinking you had a chance with another woman you are a sick twisted individual!" Collette who by her own surprise has completely dry eyes she yells back at him 10 years of mistreatment fueling her anger "I'm the sick one, moi oui I'm the sick one I for years held back my homosexuality I had many times when I could have gone off with a man who is far more attractive and who could properly fuck me! Or with a woman with a beautiful smile and kind eyes! I am not sick you are, you mistreat me for years I am done, we are done!" And with that, she storms out of his office she storms into her room slamming the door and she punches the door hard angrily exclaiming in french"Petit homme stupide, me traitant de malade et tordu tu me manipules pendant des années mais non je suis malade!"

A/n: translation: Stupid little man, calling me sick and twisted you manipulate me for years but no I'm sick

Your dad has called Holt and the kids into your room you were pacing as you're dad and the kids were sat on your bed "basically you and Collette love each other but Vandervere found out and now you two have to leave?" Said Mille in a questioning tone you sighed "No millie darling me and Collette do not love each other I love Collette but I can't tell her, and both of us have been fired for it!" Millie nods still confused but having a vague understanding. You carry on pacing about the room and then you sigh rubbing your face with your hands "I'm going to have to write a letter to Mom, dad if I want somewhere to stay I've got to!" Your father shakes his head disappointedly "We're getting Dumbo and leaving!" you nod and all 5 begin to hatch a plan but quickly realise you need more help so your father calls the entire troupe and gives a vague explanation of how they are all leaving. You look about doing a head count "Eight... nine... ten.. eleven?" You double check to see as they are only 10 of you all excluding Millie, Holt, Joe, your dad and you.

You look closely and notice a familiar face you two lock eyes, she stares at you her face clearly scared you send her an apologetic smile as you know how scared she is of being without vandervere. She gives you a tense nod and you do the same and so the plan is set into action, Miss Atlantis distracts the two bridge guards and the others release the animals Collette and Dumbo who had one last performance fly out a hole in the tent cut by Holt they fly to the command tower where Dumbo turns everything off Vandervere shows up exclaiming "You were nothing before I made you my, my-" to which Collette Smirks and simply inttuprts "I think the word you are looking for is Queen, rest assure I will be very happy in the future!" She and Dumbo leave and Vandervere begins a power surge from then on chaos ensues fire screaming, crying and the tent nearly collapses upon Holt and the kids.

You and the others are waiting at the docks when Dumbo and Collette arrive eventually the kids arrive also they begin to say goodbye to Dumbo and Mrs Jumbo they watch them both depart as you observe you don't notice Collette stand next to you "Bonjour y/n." You jump slightly, startled by her sudden presence "Oh hello Collette." You smile at her once again she reciprocates shyly "Vandervere thought we were together, crazy that man was wasn't he!" She exclaims quietly you nod and take a breath "He wasn't entirely crazy as I don't know if you could tell I actually really like you Collette." You admit that your voice is audible enough for only her to hear she smiles widely "Really?" She asks her tone amused and full of joy. You nod and before saying anything everyone around you groans as hard rain begins to fall you laugh at how you two are almost immidetly socked and you yelp as Collette drags you behind a wall and pins you two it kissing you hard. You pull her against your body kissing back with the same enthusiasm she giggles while pulling back "I like you too a lot!" You smile and kiss her cheek gently and you two hug just standing in each other's arms in the pouring rain smiling because you two finally had each other after everything after Vandervere's manipulation, threats, society and overall fear you two had each other, and it is amazing.

The entire troup run to a train station and you and Collette get a conpartment to your self Collette who is exhuasted snuggles up against you and falls alseep as you peer out the window wondring how this adventure is going to play out...

A/n: thats it :)) thx for reading

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