Chapter One: The flying Elephant

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A/n: This fanfic contains homophobia as it is set in 1919 I will put CWs in any chapter with any kind of homophobia and any respective TWs but if I do miss one please let me know

A train has come into the station once again bringing soldiers home to their families after what was called the war to end all wars, Milly and Joe Farrier anxiously await their father's return alongside their godmother y/n Medici Max Medici's daughter. Milly was sitting in a tent with some mice doing a check-up when her little brother Joe runs up to the entrance and yells joyfully,
"Milly! Another train!" they both get up at run passing y/n and Max they both yell together,
"Auntie Y/n a train come on!" You throw your father a sheepish smile as you jog after your godchildren your father is left there shaking his head as what he had been explaining was important but like always he smiles at his daughter's antics. Y/n approaches the platform looking for Milly and Joe when you find them standing in front of their father Holt Farrier the Stallion star,
"Come on now, it's still me." you hear a snippet of the conversation before the children hug him reluctantly clearly shocked at his amputation. Holt meets your eyes and smiles you reciprocate that smile glad to see your best friend alive regardless of the fact he has only one arm now the children step away and allow you to hug Holt "Thank you for looking after them, especially after what happened it means a lot to me and I'm sure Annie passed content with the fact that her babies where safe." you hug Holt tighter at the mention of Annie hoping to convey the fact that you are always here for him,
"Of course Holt you do not need to thank me." You and Holt share a weak smile and you all walk about the camp Holt greets everyone and they approach Medici and he is shocked by Holts's single limb,
"Oh my-" he begins before you interrupt him with a sharp "Dad." He gets the message and he bids all of the group into his carriage where Milly and Joe sit on the sofa, Holt on the seat in front of Medici's desk and you on a random counter within the carriage,
"What's happened the camp's half the size it used to be?" Holt asks fairly confused "Influenza hit us hard this winter." you say from the counter and Medici agrees by tilting his head to the side and explaining who go it,
"...And then Annie, boy did she fight." Holt nods and says "Well for Annie let's have the best season yet!" you can see that his wife's death hit hard glancing at the children you also sees how the mention of her hit hard "That sounds like a Plan Holt but there is a small problem with your act you see." You begin trailing off slightly Holt sighs and confusedly asks "What problem?" the kids pipe up and say in unison "They sold the horses." There is a short silence before Holt begins to ask Why and Max explains why Holt asks what he can do now he needs the works you say "You could tend the elephants as the keeper ran off with the bearded lady I owe you ten bucks by the way!" Holt smiles remembering the bet they had going on and then Holt becomes the elephant keeper as the Children and Holt go off to spend time with one another you sit down from across from your dad.

"Dad, do you think the baby elephants going to help us make more money because if it doesn't we're pretty screwed?" Max sighs looking at his daughter "I don't know sweetheart I hope it makes us more money but if it doesn't I'm unsure of what we will do as the great war is finished but lord only knows how the economy is going to hold up!" You sigh fiddling with a picture locket she wears "Well maybe we could ask for a loan fro-" you say before being quickly interrupted "No we are not asking for a loan do you hear me!" You stare at your father for a minute before nodding and walking off to go to sleep. The next morning you are awoken by talks of a baby you open your eyes slightly before sighing and closing them once again before remembering the baby elephant awaited arrival you quickly get out of bed and pulls on your clothes rushing out to see the baby elephant where you hears your father going on about a face only a mother could love. You push through the crowd to meet your father standing over an elephant with obnoxiously large ears you make a mental note of how cute it is before paying attention to the conversation at hand which is the fact Holt had to somehow hide the baby elephants ears before the next show. Holt and you were stood talking about how Holt's going to hide the elephant's ears when Joe and Milly come running over and saying how baby jumbo can fly Holt scolds them and you, sensing the duo's excitement decides to humour them and they rush over with you to show you and the trio enters the tent when baby jumbo is and Joe says,
"Okay, Auntie y/n sit down and watch!" you do so and Milly feeds baby jumbo a peanut and waits for the elephant to fly but instead of baby jumbo flying Milly and Joe just sigh in frustration and you hug them saying "Don't worry I'm sure he did fly!" attempting to lift their spirits it works well on Joe but with Milly not so much. The first show in Joplin begins as Medici introduces the show and you're in a feminine but matching suit is stood by Holt who leaves to go find the elephants and bring them out and he does so. Baby jumbo is in a cart that's tied to another elephant's tail. As the baby elephant passes a blond woman with a large feather on her hat, the baby steals the hat inhaling the fether by accident and sneezing and flying out the cart hearing laughter you and your father rush out and both when seeing the elephant's ears on fall display say "Oh no." The entire crowd begins to jeer and heckle at the elephant throwing peanuts at him and laughing the entire tent erupts into a cheer,
"Dumbo Dumbo fake fake fake Dumbo Dumbo fake fake fake!" You try to regain control over the crowd tells them to stop as they are scaring the elephants but one thing lead to another and it ends with the tent collapsing and a single man dead.

Shows are cancelled for a week, Holt and you are sat in your tent in a shocked silence neither one liked Rufus but they didn't want him dead, while they were sat in a tent Milly and Joe was sat with baby Jumbo, "He's sad you don't eat when you're sad." Milly mumbles to her brother stroking Jumbo Joe unhelpfully says "The mermaid dose!" But they sit in silence but Joe gives Jumbo a small pile of peanuts to eat when he inhales a feather and sneezes once again but this time jumping into the air shocked Milly and Joe lean against the wall. "It wasn't the peanuts that made him do it, it was the feathers!" Exclaims Milly. Joe smiles and Milly proceeds to say "Shows are cancelled for a week, so we can experiment and then Medici can make more money!" Joe looks at his older sister's excitement radiating off him "Auntie Y/n will be so proud!" Milly smiles at her brother.

𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

It's the third show back and you are in the ring introducing an act "Ladies and Gentleman may I proudly introduce the clown firefighters with the sweet baby Dumbo!" And then an alarm rang through the circus tent and the clowns ran in stumbling all over themselves coaxing laughter from the crowd and then Holt who was looking in the mirror said ashamed " A low, an all-time low!" Medici scoffs and says "Hey who said they didn't want to be recognised!" Dumbo and Holt go out to the ring and begin their section of the act Dumbo takes some water into his trunk and go up to the fire that has the monkey dressed up as a damlze in distress Dumbo "Puts out the fire" which is just someone putting out the gas and then the clowns celebrate one throws their hat witch hits the gas leaver causing the fires to rage back up causing Dumbo to become stuck up on the ledge panic ensues as Milly climbs up to give Dumbo a feather you run up to catch her as she falls into the water you pulls her out hugging them as Dumbo falls "Fly dumbo fly!" you cover her eyes to stop Milly from seeing this happening and then Dumbo inhales the feather and begins to fly you cover your mouth muffling "Oh my god!" Holt stands next to Joe and says in awe "You knew he could do that?" Medici walks past and says "You should talk to your kids more!" Show success skyrockets and it ends up in the news!

While you, Milly, Joe and some clown ladies are washing dumbo they hear an elephant trumpet Dumbo jumps out of the bath trotting forward but it isn't his mom. You and Medici are standing as a man introduce two people V.A vandervere and Collette Marchant you stop in your tracks you had heard of Collette Marchant nicknamed Queen of the heavens. You feel your mouth go dry, you look Collette up and down putting on a facade that you aren't really phased by Collette's presence but Collette on the other hand looks at You and feels her heart speed up she looks this woman up and down enjoying her body that's covered appreciating the way her y/h/c hair looks noticing her y/e/c eyes. She instantly notices her attraction and feels a pit in her stomach form as she is with Vandervere they all go sit in Medici's carriage the bodyguard stood in front of the door vandervere sat down and Collette on the couch you are sat in the spare seat next to your father but you can't stop glancing at Collette entranced with the mystery surrounding her. Collette notices this and feels her heart speeding up she bites the inside of her cheek to keep her calm facade up but then they begin to discuss Dumbo...

A/n: I used google translate for the title so if it is incorrect I'm sorry and this chapter is definitely the one with the lowest quality as I had changed from third person to 2nd person in chapter two and I was not rewriting over 1700 words again

weekly updates every tuesday

Ma reine des cieux (My queen of the heavens) Collette Marchant X femReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang