Chapter 1: Allies and Memories

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[A/N]: As I stated last chapter, you can totally forget about the terms I provided last chapter, from this chapter onwards the story actually begins, Chapter 0 was mainly about how our main character got to this world and body.


*Ilshu's perspective*

As I was laying there on bed, my body sank away into the soft matress calming my body and raging mind. Before I realised anything I fell asleep, fast asleep. As I slept I saw my old life, and how I came to create Ilshu as a character, the capabilities of her and how her power build up. I remembered when this building was build for her. I was now in the Stained Castle, named this way due to the amount of blood spilled in this castle, if I am here, and everything matches up I should also have my servants here, but that was something for later.

I was thinking about what I should have at this point in time, it was a lot, but this process was cut short as my mind became clouded. Ilshu's thoughts and memories were now mine as well, it hurt but I could not out this pain in any way. I saw how she struggled in her earliest memories and how her senses sharpened as she honed her skills. My mind was struggling to keep up as more and more information flooded in, I learned about poisons, how to use weapons, the servants' names and the outlay of this Stained Castle. It was way too large for how little people actually resided here, but that was something I chose to do while I was still playing her as a game character. Now I will have to adapt, or that is what I thought. My mind stopped hurting as several parts stopped all activity, now devoid of emotions, it made more sense to me. I was not simply moved here, I became Ilshu. 'Not good, she was quite insane.' My mind allowed me to think again, this was progress, if only I could move my body though.

My mind finally calmed down, for good, I tried calling on any of my emotions only to utterly fail. I had truly become Ilshu now. I could not yet move my body, I was laying there, in my headspace as I visualised my sanity. A glass panel appeared, cracked and on the breaking point, signifying me that I too, had gone insane and the smallest push would truly break my mind. 'Not good.' I thought once more, I will have to be careful not to break. I set my first goal in this body, to retain my humanity, no matter how hard of a challenge this will be. The darkness around me started lighting up, my eyes opening once more.

As I awoke from my slumber I felt empty, like something important had been robbed from me. "Devoid of emotions, of course I would feel empty. I suppose this could be seen as karma, I created an emotionless monster, now I have become one." Those words echoed through my room, littered with all kinds of books.


The door opened, this was not my doing. I did not tell anyone to come in either, my body readied itself for combat before I realised this fact myself. The door was now completely open, yet no one was standing in the entrance, was I already going insane?

*???'s perspective*

I could have sworn I heard our master's voice, but as fast as it appeared, it disappeared again. Was I simply being hopeful? For now I should continue keeping the castle clean for my master, that is the least I can do. I once more heard footsteps coming from the tower master told us to stay away from at all times. They quickly faded, was our master tired again? I watched through one of the windows, the tower did not show any form of activity. Something else catched my attention however, where was this place, the Stained Castle was located high up in the mountains before. This was deep in a forest, something had changed, that much even a fool could conclude from this.

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