"Don't saddle me with the kid!" Mirko complained playfully. Despite her words she threw her arm around Sanyu's shoulder. "You ready to make your uncle proud and kick some ass?" She grinned.

Sanyu's hands immediately moved to his neck where his dog tags were hanging. Well, his dog tag and Keigo's. The night before the hero had given Tao and Sanyu his extra tags and both had decided to wear them into battle.

Although he wasn't wearing his coat for fear of it getting ruined, he had Lela's tag in a zip up pocket on his shoulder.

"Move out!" Tsukauchi shouted. The heroes tensed up and ran for the hospital.

Mirko and Sanyu had the same idea when it came to an entrance strategy.

Breaking through walls until they found the secret lab.

Mirko ended up being the one to break down the door, crushing a small Nomu in the process. Sanyu identified its remains as Johnny, the Nomu the league used to warp away from the battle in Kamino.

"Garaki's exit strategies are gone then. He must be in here somewhere." Mirko proclaimed, looking over at the Nomu in the corner.

They crept around corners, closing in on the pair as they roared, eyes rolling back in their freakishly shaped heads.

The floor was covered in glass and the walls were lined with bottles, each containing a microchip like device. Mirko's entrance had destroyed most of them, and they weren't going to survive the fight that was about to go down. Still, Sanyu wondered what they were.

The first Nomu took their chances, lunging at the pair. Sanyu blasted it back into the wall, shattering more of the bottles as predicted. "Watch out for the broken glass." He said, before flying straight at another Nomu, fists glowing.

"Don't worry about me kid." Mirko said, launching herself at the group of Nomu. She landed a kick on the first's head, absolutely exploding its exposed brain all over the others.

It seemed to distract the other Nomu, so Sanyu blasted three of them at once as they stood still. Another grabbed his leg, yanking him backwards. He severed its arm as a response.

The Nomu cried out in pain and Sanyu watched in horror as the limb started reforming. "They all have the regeneration quirk!" He called out to Mirko, who gritted her teeth in response.

Still, it wasn't hard to dispose of the Nomu in the first part of the lab. They weren't like Hood, or any of the high end Nomu that had recently been spotted.

Cautiously the two advanced.

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Dr. Garaki rushed through the lab to Tomura's tank. The heroes were fast approaching and he needed to slow them down. Tomura wasn't ready, but he'd have to wake him up. If the tank was destroyed and Tomura was killed all would be lost.

His hands flew over the controls. A blast was heard in the distance as he cursed under his breath. They were getting closer.

Quickly he pulled a nearby lever. Several tanks drained. Groaning and flexing their muscles, several high end Nomu awakened.

"Defend your master." The doctor ordered right before the wall broke down.

"It's over Garaki!" Mirko shouted with a wide smile, "Prepare to have your ass kicked!".

The high ends jumped into action, rushing the pair of them. Sanyu used concentrated beams to blast holes through their vital organs while Mirko beat them down with strength alone.

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